US Army Corps of Engineers
Institute for Water Resources Website

Water Resources IMPACT

Introduction: Environmental Flows
Introduction: Environmental Flows - Allocating water for diverse and often competing traditional uses for water (e.g., industry, agriculture, urban, energy, etc.) is now even more complex due to the...
Water: One Resource, Many Uses
This originally appeared in a collaborative effort issue of IMPACT with The Nature Conservancy’s Sustainable Waters Program to highlight the cutting-edge work and research the program is conducting. I...
Incorporating Environmental Flows into Water Management
Feature: Incorporating environmental flows into water management - Environmental flows defined using the Savannah Process explicitly ignore all real or perceived constraints to their immediate...
Models and Software for Supporting Ecologically Sustainable Water Management
Models and software for supporting ecologically sustainable water management - As awareness leads to improved scientific understanding (and vice versa), more strategies linking water and ecosystem...
Green River, Kentucky, Conservation Project
How can something exist and not exist at the same time, effect change yet remain almost invisible and virtually unknown? Such a situation would not appear to be a formula for success. But, it is, and...
Bill Williams River, Arizona: Restoring Natural Variability in an Arid Lands River
A truism of managing natural systems is that Mother knows best. This is being applied to the management of Alamo Dam to return elements of the natural hydrograph to the Bill Williams River (BWR). This...
Savannah River, Georgia: Science to Support Adaptive Implementation of Environmental Flows to a Large Coastal River, Floodplain, and Estuary
INTRODUCTION Rivers of the Southeastern United States traverse a wide coastal plain where they are characterized by broad floodplains and expansive estuaries. Because of ample rainfall and the flat...
Willamette River, Oregon: Moving Toward Basin-Wide Flow and Floodplain Restoration
INTRODUCTION Over the last 50 years, river management has evolved from an emphasis on economic outputs to one that includes consideration of broader human values. Agencies and organizations are...

Sustainable Rivers Program - News & Features

Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction under the COVID-19 Pandemic – UN HELP draft Principles (Input Requested by 15 May 2020)
In April 2020, the UN High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP) released the Draft Principles to Address Water-related Disasters under COVID-19 Pandemics, and is seeking...
Projects restore floodplain ecosystems while reducing flood risk
Floodplains are extremely productive ecosystems that support high levels of biodiversity and provide valuable ecosystem services that directly benefit society. One high profile study concluded...
New technology improves river management
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and The Nature Conservancy have joined forces to develop the Hydrologic Engineering Center’s Regime Prescription Tool, software to help teams reach agreements on...
Joint project looks at Texas watershed
A large portion of the central United States is still under drought conditions, which has forced many to protect and preserve the current sources of water and to seek future sources. The U.S. Army...
Joint team travels to China
Stan Simpson, a Corps water manager for the Savannah River Basin, recently joined a team from the Conservancy and traveled to China, where a series of dams on the Yangtze are planned. The Conservancy...
Corps and The Nature Conservancy develop joint training
The Nature Conservancy and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) are working together to develop training courses that emphasize connections between hydrology and...
Green River Lake and Dam interim plan benefits ecosystem
This is the third in a series of articles about the Sustainable Rivers Partnership between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and The Nature Conservancy. In 2002, the Corps implemented an interim plan...
Ecosystem flows defined for Bill Williams River
Editor’s note: This is the second in a series of articles about the Sustainable Rivers Partnership betweenthe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and The Nature Conservancy. The Bill Williams River was one...
River project brings together Corps, The Nature Conservancy
This is the first in a recurring series of articles about the Sustainable Rivers partnership between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and The Nature Conservancy. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and...