Welcome to the Institute for Water Resources Website 

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Institute for Water Resources (IWR) was established to provide forward-looking analysis, cutting-edge methodologies, and innovative tools to aid USACE’s Civil Works program.

IWR strives to improve the performance of the USACE water resources program through analysis of emerging water resources trends and issues; development, distribution, and training in the use of state-of-the-art methods and models in the areas of planning, operations, and civil engineering; and national data management of results-oriented program and project information across Civil Works business lines. In addition to implementing this vision throughout core mission areas, IWR oversees seven Centers that provide targeted technical expertise and support.

IWR Centers

IWR Partner Organizations

Value to the Nation LinkFlood Risk Management Program LinkNational Shoreline Management Link

Silver Jackets

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Screenshot of the Youtube video: Securing the Nation's Future through Water

(2 page Article, Faircount Media Group 2020/2021)

Watch Securing the Nation's Future through Water, 
an overview of USACE's relationship to the nation's water resources. 


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Dr. Wen-Huei (Wen) Chang was announced as the new Director of the Institute for Water Resources Center (WRC) in Alexandria, VA, beginning his position on June 3, 2024. About WRC: The Water Resources Center is a 60-person organization that is a proven leader in forward thinking on water resources issues, economics analyses, social sciences, natural resource management, water supply, flood risk management, and policy research for 55-years.
ALEXANDRIA, Va. (July 8, 2024) — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC), a center under the Institute for Water Resources, proudly announces that Michael Bartles has been awarded the 2024 Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Coastal Community of Practice (HH&C CoP) Professional of the Year Award. Bartles, a senior hydraulic engineer at HEC, has significantly contributed to advancements in 2-dimensional hydrologic modeling and statistical modeling of mixed populations in flow frequency. His efforts have revolutionized the nation's technical analysis methods for flow frequency and flood risk. (Courtesy photo - Hydrologic Engineering Center)
From left to right, Michelle Thompson, who manages the Help Desk, Shannon Langford, the lead Developer, and Valerie Layne, who manages RIBITS operations, pose for a photo on June 14, 2024 at the Environmental Markets Conference in Pittsburgh in May. The RIBITS team is set to push changes to the website on the 19th, which will result in a slightly different appearance. (Photo by Michelle Mattson)
Introducing Lea Adams, appointed Director of the Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC), located in Davis, California, on April 1, 2024, whose career trajectory reflects a steadfast commitment to growth and leadership. As a senior hydraulic engineer at the Sacramento District, Ms. Adams recognized a need for new challenges and embraced opportunities in management. Transitioning into leadership roles, including Chief of the Water Resource Systems Division at HEC, she navigated the complexities of leading teams with diverse expertise. A noteworthy experience included spearheading the National Nonstructural Committee, where Lea honed her ability to influence and collaborate effectively. With a passion for continuous learning and a dedication to her craft, Ms. Adams embodies the values of integrity and excellence that define HEC's legacy.
We are looking for a motivated team player to join our phenomenal team as a GS-5/7 Administrative Support Assistant (0303 series), supporting the Institute for Water Resources (IWR) Water Resources Center in Alexandria, Virginia.
As we honor the women who paved the way for progress throughout history, we also take note of the history makers who are among us today. IGet to know Hamna Zaheer's story through STEM and how her journey lights a path for others to follow.
For over half a century the Institute for Water Resources has been training future U.S. Army Corps of Engineers civil works leaders through an intensive Planning Associates Program.  The vision of the program is, to “develop and sustain a national network of agile and informed planning leaders who can solve the nation’s most complex water resource issues.”
On December 12 and 13 nearly 70 people representing ports and terminals attended an interagency round table organized by the Maritime Administration and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration on the topic of port infrastructure, infrastructure funding opportunities, and data used by industry and agencies during the development, review, and prioritization of grant applications. Multiple presenters from each agency delivered summaries of their grant authorities, program requirements, and data/information sought from applicants. Presenters from the Navigation and Civil Works Decision Support Center were also on hand and provided summaries of data and information available from the NDC.
In response to the expanded use of remote employees and telework, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Institute for Water Resources (IWR) recently prepared and released the publication Best Practices for Virtual Engagement.
Since 2007 the Regulatory In-lieu fee and Bank Information Tracking System (RIBITS), overseen by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Institute for Water Resources (IWR), has been the designated national tool to provide a one stop shop database for districts to track mitigation banks and in-lieu fee programs. RIBITS was one of a handful of systems highlighted at the first-ever Environmental Permitting Technology and Data Summit held at the White House and the General Service Administration Headquarters in late October.
ALEXANDRIA, VA -- (Sept. 1, 2023) The Institute for Water Resources (IWR), a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Field Operating Activity, inducted Lynn Martin, a former employee and alumni its highest honor by inducting her into the IWR Class of 2023 Distinguished Gallery of Employees.
ALEXANDRIA, VA -- (Sept. 1, 2023) The Institute for Water Resources (IWR), a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Field Operating Activity, inducted Gary Brunner, a former employee and alumni its highest honor by inducting him into the IWR Class of 2023 Distinguished Gallery of Employees.
ALEXANDRIA, Va. – (June 7, 2023) The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), alongside the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the Bureau of Reclamation, contracted with a panel of dam experts, all external to their agencies, to review their dam safety practices at the direction of U.S. congress. The review took place following the 2017 spillway failure at California’s Oroville Dam, which triggered broad industry concerns about the safety of dams nationwide.
Las Vegas, NV -- Tim Fairbank, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Los Angeles District, describes the design of a berm and diversion channel constructed to protect residents of the Rainbow Canyon subdivision (near background) following a series of debris flows associated with the 2013 Carpenter One fire in the Spring Mountains, NV. Portions of the burn scar are visible on the mountainside in the background. The photo includes the attendees of the first USACE CWMS (Corps Water Management System) wildfire Workshop held in Las Vegas, NV on April 24-27, 2023. The Institute for Water Resources’(IWR) Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC), located in Davis, CA, was named USACE Innovation of the Year Award for adding Post-Wildfire Modeling capabilities to its software. These software capabilities provide prediction tools that engineers can use to anticipate a unique type of flooding that can follow a combination of fire and floods. (Photo Credit: Courtesy)
Lakewood, CO (March 9, 2023) - Members of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Civil Works Business Intelligence (CWBI) team take home the 2022 IWR Team of the year for their recent cloud migration work on behalf of the Civil Works mission. Pictured in a group photo, the team gathered at the Risk management Center for its first annual in-person meeting following COVID-19 travel restrictions to discuss a range of infrastructure, cybersecurity, data, and administrative topics.
Alexandria, VA (May 10, 2023) – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Institute for Water Resources (IWR) participated in the kick-off of the project MANABAS COAST (MAinstreaming NAture BAsed Solutions through COASTal systems). The meeting took place March 11-17 in Hague, Netherlands. USACE is an official observer of MANABAS, which is a European Union project aimed at mainstreaming nature-based engineering solutions in the North Sea Regions. Pictured, members of the MANABAS project, to include Bari Greenfeld, USACE-IWR representative, who joined meeting participants on a field trip to the Sand Motor. The Sand Motor is a prototype beach nourishment project completed by the Rijkswaterstaat in 2011. A hook-shaped peninsula was constructed from 21.5 million cubic meters of sand. The sand is being distributed along the coast by natural processes, preventing the need for repetitive nourishment.
ALEXANDRIA, Va. (March 15, 2023) – The Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA) methodology, has been translated into French and Arabic, increasing global acceptance of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Institute for Water Resources climate change adaptation tool. Pictured is an edited combined cover of the French and Arabic translations.