US Army Corps of Engineers
Institute for Water Resources Website

Collaboration and Public Participation Center of Expertise (CPCX)

Why Collaboration and Public Participation (CPCX)?

CPCX's mission is to enable Corps staff to anticipate, prevent, and manage water-related conflicts through collaboration while ensuring the interests of the public are addressed in a fair and transparent manner by:          

1. Providing direct support to the field
2. Building the Corps collaborative capacity
3. Advising Corps leadership
4. Establishing the Corps as a thought-leader in collaboration

Inside the CPCX


CPCX is located at the Corps Institute for Water Resources in Alexandria, Virginia.

Collaboration in Action

The mission of USACE Public Involvement (PI) Specialists is to improve USACE’s capacity to engage the public and agency partners at the county, state and federal levels by serving as internal consultants within the Corps Districts/ Division for Civil Works, Military Programs, Regulatory and Readiness missions to enhance two-way communication and collaborative problem solving with stakeholders.
ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA. The USACE’s Collaboration and Public Participation Center of Expertise (CPCX) just released its latest newsletter - a special edition focusing on the collaborative work conducted throughout the USACE with Tribal Nations. In honor of the establishment of the Tribal Nations Technical Center of Expertise, this issue of Collaboration Corner highlights USACE’s important interaction with Tribal Nations as well as with other stakeholders including socially vulnerable populations and federal partners.


Collaboration Corner  Spring Newsletter 2017


Collaboration Corner Summer Newsletter 2016

Collaboration Corner Spring Newsletter 2016

Collaboration Corner Winter Newsletter 2016

Collaboration Corner Fall Newsletter 2015

Collaboration Corner Summer Newsletter 2015

 Webinar Series:



Flood Risk Communication

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. —Andrew Carnegie