Mr. Dunn has been the Director of the Hydrologic Engineering Center (CEIWR-HEC) since May 2006. He leads a staff of 50, consisting primarily of hydrologic engineers, economists, and computer scientists, and oversees an annual budget of approximately $15 million. CEIWR-HEC's program focuses on hydrologic and hydraulic engineering, water management, and planning analysis encompassing research, software development, special projects, training and technology transfer, and technical assistance to USACE field offices, HQUSACE, and other agencies and nations.
The Center participates in a wide range of domestic, interagency, and international projects and activities including reservoir and systems modeling in support to CENWD/CENWP on the Columbia River Treaty; technical assistance to CESAD/CESAM on the ACT/ACF update of water control manuals; water management model development and support of the nationwide CWMS implementation; reach-back technical assistance to USACE projects in Iraq and Afghanistan; training in numerous international locations such as Brazil, Korea, Taiwan, England, Netherlands, and South Africa; provision of technical leadership for meetings with the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transportation (MLIT); and, collaboration with the USGS and the NWS in the Integrated Water Resources Science and Services effort.
Previously, Mr. Dunn served five years as CEIWR-HEC's Chief of the Water Resource Systems Division leading the Center's development and application of Flood Damage Analysis, Ecosystem Restoration, and System Analysis software packages. Mr. Dunn served as project manager for CEIWR-HEC's work in support of CETAD on the Helmand Valley Water Management Plan for Afghanistan; and, in support of CEGRD as the team lead for data and water systems modeling for the Tigris and Euphrates River Basins in Iraq.
Mr. Dunn began his career with USACE at CEIWR-HEC as a Senior Hydraulic Engineer in the Water Resource Systems Division and Planning Analysis Division, working on the Flood Impact Analysis (HEC-FIA) software and its incorporation into the Corps Water Management System (CWMS). Mr. Dunn also worked on the integration of HEC-FDA (Flood Damage Reduction Analysis) and HEC-FIA; and, served as CEIWR-HEC's Project Manager for the Center's role in the Sacramento/San Joaquin Comprehensive Study.
Prior to joining HEC, Mr. Dunn worked in the Federal sector for thirteen years as a Regional Hydraulic Engineer with DOT's Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Mr. Dunn served as the Regional Hydraulic Engineer for FHWA's Pacific Northwest and Alaska region, specializing in urban hydrology, urban, highway and bridge hydraulics, stream stability issues and erosion control; and, also participated in international training in Honduras and Argentina.
Mr. Dunn holds Bachelors and Masters of Science degrees in Civil Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University; is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Oregon; an active member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); and, is a Diplomate of the American Academy of Water Resources Engineers (D.WRE). Mr. Dunn's technical specialties include: flood risk management and impact analysis; planning analysis; risk analysis, levee certification, river hydraulics, water surface profile modeling, stream stability and scour; surface water hydrology; storm water management, urban drainage design; watershed analysis; IWRM; soil erosion control; ecosystem restoration; and GIS; along with extensive teaching experience.