NDC-Work being conducted on a Lock

NDC - Navigation and Civil Works Decision Support


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has been authorized under the Rivers and Harbors Act to establish and maintain a variety of U.S. water transportation systems to support navigation. The Navigation and Civil Works Decision Support Center (NDC) is a technical center within the Institute for Water Resources (IWR) that provides navigation decision support to the USACE. NDC manages information systems that capture data for lock operations and navigation dredging projects.

Contact NDC with questions.


NDC- View of Lock Doors

NDC produces and stores data on lock characteristics nationwide in the Lock Performance Monitoring System (LPMS) and the Lock Characteristics database. These data sets are developed using input from surveys conducted by NDC staff.  Information collected includes the physical aspects of all USACE built, maintained, owned, or operated locks. The data set captures six major characteristics including location, physical characteristics, site information, site characteristics, management information, and historical changes.


NDC-Dredge working with clouds and sun behind

Contains reports in spreadsheet format that includes selected information and the status of all Corps dredging contracts anticipated to be advertised in the designated fiscal year. The report is sorted by Corps division, district, and bid opening date information which includes anticipated bid advertisement/opening and estimated quantity to be dredged. The report contains several Tabs each containing different sets of information including a list of all work remaining to be awarded in the fiscal year, a list of all proposed work (including work that has been awarded) in the fiscal year, and a list and chart of a 15 month window of hopper dredge work.


Navigational Map and Tools on a desk

Navigation Notices
USACE provides a centralized and standardized system to share navigation notices to industry and the public. This system is the Notices to Navigation Interests (NTNI) and provides information on maintenance, hazards, closures or restrictions to navigation, and other pertinent waterway information. Navigation Notices are a piece of the companion mariner information provided by the U.S. Coast Guard’s (USCG) Local Notices to Mariners and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Notice to Mariners Chart updates. The NTNI Notices website contains navigation notices and policies issued by The US Army Corps of Engineers Districts with a waterway navigation mission. These documents are disseminated according to EP 1130-2-520, Chapter 2.


WCSC - Empty Cargo ship from above

The Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center (WCSC) is a technical center within IWR that collects, processes, checks, distributes, and archives domestic and foreign vessel trip and cargo data. WCSC is responsible for U.S. domestic and foreign waterborne transportation statistics mission. WCSC generated reports and data sets can be found in the NDC library.