On April 22, 2021, PIANC USA hosted a virtual Annual Meeting for members and anyone interested in learning more about the organization. The meeting opened with remarks by Mr. Vance Stewart III, the acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works).
The key-note address was provided by Mr. Francisco Esteban Lefler of Spain and President of PIANC. Mr. Lefler addressed how PIANC has adapted in the COVID environment and plans for the organization moving forward.
The US Principal Representatives to the PIANC Technical Commissions provided overviews of current and upcoming working groups and recently published reports. As well, Dr Calvin Creech, PIANC-USA Liaison to PIANC America, provided an overview of the “PIANC Americas Initiative.” This is a newly formed initiative that brings together leaders from North, Central, and South America in the areas of Port Infrastructure, Waterway Development and Waterborne Transport.
There was also a panel discussion consisting of four PIANC-USA leaders who discussed trends in future technologies related to ports, waterways, marinas, and coastal areas, as well as effects on the organization and the maritime community due to the COVID pandemic. The meeting concluded with recognition of PIANC-USA members who served on working group which completed published products, as well as PIANC-USA leaders who completed their terms.
For additional information see the PIANC USA website at https://pianc.us/.