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PIANC USA Leadership Navigates Training for New Colombia Chapter

Published Feb. 7, 2013
Lillian Almodovar speaks with Admiral Ernesto Duran Gonzalez, General Director, General Maritime Directorate, Colombia (left) and Chris Edwards, AECOM, PIANC USA (center).

Lillian Almodovar speaks with Admiral Ernesto Duran Gonzalez, General Director, General Maritime Directorate, Colombia (left) and Chris Edwards, AECOM, PIANC USA (center).

ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA - February 7, 2013.  USACE IWR’s Lillian Almodovar, member of the U.S. Section PIANC and PIANC’s International Co-Operation Commission (CoCom), led a U.S. Section PIANC effort to organize a series of November 2012 seminars and training activities in Bogota and Cartagena to support the new PIANC Colombia section.

The General Maritime Directorate of Colombia (DIMAR), which heads the Colombia section, had requested assistance from PIANC on the topic of risk assessment for navigation and ports. PIANC USA suggested the possibility of bringing a team of international experts to discuss this topic with DIMAR representatives and at the same time provide a briefing on PIANC’s capabilities and operations.

The team reached more than 200 attendees during the three sessions in the two cities, presenting the benefits of individual and corporate membership in the PIANC Colombia section and providing specific technical presentations on risk assessment for navigation and ports.

Other PIANC USA participants in these activities included Edward Schmeltz, Co-Chair of CoCom and PIANC USA Board Member; John Headland, Vice President of PIANC USA; and Chris Edwards, PIANC USA member. Ms. Almodovar is the U.S. Representative on CoCom. She is Senior Manager at IWR.

More About PIANC USA

PIANC USA is a national section of PIANC, a worldwide non-political and non-profit technical and scientific organization established to promote both inland and maritime navigation by fostering progress in the planning, design, construction, improvement, maintenance and operation of inland and maritime waterways and ports and of coastal areas for general use.

PIANC USA was organized in 1902 with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) serving as the Secretariat. Membership is comprised of engineers, scientists, economists, planners, dredgers, port operators, regulators, and marina and vessel owners. The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) and the USACE Deputy Commanding General for Civil and Emergency Operations serve as liaisons to the U.S. National Commission.

More About PIANC

The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (PIANC) is a forum for professional organizations to share developments and exchange knowledge of worldwide trends and challenges in port and waterway development and management. Founded in 1885, PIANC originally stood for the Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses, but changed its name to the current in 2009. A key initiative of PIANC’s International Co-Operation Commission (CoCom) is the nurturing of new PIANC member organizations.

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