ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA - October 17, 2012. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) recently met for their quarterly Joint Headquarters Meeting. The meeting was held at USACE Headquarters in Washington, DC on October 4, 2012.
Steve Stockton, Director of Civil Works, opened the meeting with a welcome and overview. Bill Werkheiser, Associate Director of Water, gave the USGS overview. Presenters from USACE spoke about topics of joint interest to the group, including:
- Ada Benavides, USACE HQ – Federal Support Toolbox
- Jennifer Dunn, IWR – The Silver Jackets Initiative: Operationalizing the USACE Flood Risk Management Program
- Tim Pangburn, USACE Remote Sensing/GIS Center – USACE Geospatial Work Efforts
- Chandra Pathak, USACE – Streamgaging Status and Interagency Charters Update
Speakers from USGS included Byron K. Williams, who spoke about the USGS Science and Decisions Center and Adaptive Management, and Brian McCallum, who discussed Hurricane Isaac Activities. Robert Mason also participated in the presentations about streamgaging and interagency charters.
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