ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA - July 17, 2012. The Institute for Water Resources honored its employees and teams for their work in 2011 at the June 20th Awards ceremony. Honored for 2011 are:
- IWR AND HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING CENTER (HEC) EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR: Gary Brunner, HEC, for his work on the Ohio River HEC-RAS Model during the 2011 Flood and the HEC Modeling for the Columbia River Treaty 2014/2024 Study.
- IWR NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION (NCR) EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR: Dr. Guillermo Mendoza, for his technical leadership on a wide range of high priority domestic and international water resources projects, including the advancement of the iBET (integrated Budget Evaluation Tool) software, an associated Water Infrastructure Systems Data Manager (WISDM) pilot project with the Corps Portland District, and water resources modeling and participatory planning work in Peru, the Mekong River Basin and Africa as part of the Civil-Military Emergency Preparedness (CMEP) Program.
- NAVIGATION DATA CENTER (NDC) EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR: Ruth Betts, for her work on integrating the Lock Performance Monitoring System (LPMS) with the Operations and Maintenance Navigation Information (OMNI) into one system and ongoing data integration of Corps of Engineers Financial Management System (CEFMS) and Project Management Information System (P2) for the Operations and Maintenance Business Information Link (OMBIL).
- RISK MANAGEMENT CENTER (RMC) EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR: Peter Shaffner, for his critical contributions as an engineering geologist to the USACE Dam and Levee Safety programs.
- TEAM OF THE YEAR: International Upper Great Lakes Study (UGLS). Dr. Eugene Stakhiv, IWR, was the U.S. Study Director and Dr. Tony Eberhardt, IWR, was the U.S. Study Manager. Team members also included:
- IWR: Matthew McPherson, HEC, and Joel Schlagel
- Great Lakes & Ohio River Division (LRD): Deborah Lee, John Kangas, Richard Thomas
- Detroit District (LRE): Scott Thieme, Eric Tauriainen, David Wright, Steve Rose and John Ellis
- Buffalo District (LRB) - Jonathan Brown
- Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC): Dr. Jack Davis, Contractor; William Werick
- IWR Administrative Team: Carol Estep, Jeanene Collins, Theresa Hoang, Sandra Phillips
- SCIENTIFIC/TECHNICAL AWARD OF EXCELLENCE: Dr. Jeff Arnold, for his scientific contributions to the USACE Responses to Climate Change Program and technical leadership on the Administration's U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP).
- BUSINESS, ADMINISTRATIVE/TECHNICAL SUPPORT AWARD OF EXCELLENCE: Rosalind Wiseman, for her superb budget and project management of the Institute's Flood Risk Management program.
- LEADERSHIP AWARD OF EXCELLENCE: Christopher Dunn, HEC, for his visionary leadership of the Institute's Hydrologic Engineering Center and for the significant advancement of the HEC-WAT (Watershed Analysis Tool) and HEC-FIA (Flood Impact Analysis), HEC-FDA (Flood Damage Reduction Analysis), and HEC-FRM (Flood Risk Management) software models.
- PRODUCT OF THE YEAR: HEC-FIA (Flood Impact Analysis), Versions 2.1, 2.2 & 3.0.
- PRODUCT OF THE YEAR: Navigation Economic Analysis for Deep Draft Vessel Operating Costs and Load Factor Analysis. Team members: Kevin Knight and Ian Mathis.
- SPECIAL ACT OF THE YEAR: Dr. Eugene Stakhiv, for completion of the complex, highly visible International Upper Great Lakes Study by the U.S. and Canada.
IWR also recognizes its employees through Special Act and On the Spot Awards. Here are just a few:
- ON-THE-SPOT AWARD: Jae Chung, for his efforts associated with the Cumulative Effects Analysis Prototype.
- ON-THE-SPOT AWARD: Sean Komlos, for completing several disparate projects that interconnected within a relatively short timeframe in support of the planning modernization study.
- SPECIAL ACT AWARD: Warren Hill, for his exceptional work in hiring students at a crucial time for IWR mission requirements.
- ON-THE-SPOT AWARD: Linda Masching, for her superb support to IWR and Group M in particular.
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