ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA - February 26, 2013. Dr. Stacy Langsdale began a six-month detail with FEMA's Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration (FIMA) Risk Analysis Division, Data and Dissemination Branch, on January 28, 2013. Dr. Langsdale will support communications and outreach activities, including community engagement coaching for Region 9, risk communication training, sea level rise data outreach to areas affected by Hurricane Sandy, the national flood awareness survey, and establishment of a congressionally mandated Technical Mapping Advisory Council.
Dr. Langsdale's assignment is being supported by USACE's National Flood Risk Management Program, the Interagency Performance Evaluation (IPET)/Hurricane Protection Decision Chronology (HPDC) implementation program, the USACE Conflict Resolution and Public Participation Center of Expertise, and IWR's Future Directions program.
The detail is off to a fast start. Dr. Langsdale began her assignment by attending a Community Engagement 2.0 kickoff session with FEMA’s Region 9 in Oakland, CA. Her time at FEMA will continue to build bridges between our two organizations, helping us to be more effective in communicating and reducing flood risk in our communities. This detail follows a detail by Director of FIMA’s Risk Analysis Division Doug Bellomo in 2011. He spent six months at IWR.
Dr. Langsdale is an active participant of the Conflict Resolution and Public Participation Center of Expertise (CPC). This assignment follows her leadership of a national interagency risk communication workshop in 2010 and the development of interagency risk communication training in 2012. She has been recently involved in a series of pilot studies to assess the risks of future climate change to designated areas, leading a series of shared vision planning watershed studies at Indian Creek in the Iowa-Cedar Rivers Basin.
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