ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA - May 15, 2012. IWR has published the Guide to Constructing the Without Project Scenario (Condition). Forecasting the future is an essential part of water resources planning. The most important recurring forecasts in the USACE planning process are the without condition and with condition scenarios.
This guide focuses on the preparation of the without condition scenario and its forecasts and analysis. Its primary audience is practicing water resources planners, though it is also of significance to USACE stakeholders and the public who have an interest in the process.
The guide presents the without project scenario analysis in context with the USACE planning process. It discusses uncertainty, the most common scenarios encountered in the planning process, and describes an approach for building a without condition scenario. It also discusses some common mistakes made by planners when developing the scenario. The guide includes an appendix that talks about drivers that can provide impulse or motivation for change and, in addition to other forces, their importance in the planning process.
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