ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA - January 30, 2012. USACE IWR recently released the 2010 Value to the Nation Fast Facts for Recreation. Recreation Fast Facts describe visitation, economic and environmental data for the 422 Corps lakes at the lake, state, Corps division, Corps district, watershed, and congressional district levels.
In 2010, 365 million people visited a Corps lake, spending over $11 billion. Corps lakes visitor spending resulted in $27 billion in total sales, 189,000 jobs, $7 billion in labor income, and $13 billion in value added (wages & salaries, payroll benefits, profits, rents, and indirect business taxes). The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is steward for over 12 million acres of land and water in and around Corps lakes. Corps lake visitor center staff provide over 2.5 million environmental educational contacts each year.
USACE IWR has also rolled out a redesigned Value to the Nation Recreation website featuring information about Corps lake recreational facilities, their economic impact and environmental benefits, and recent activities. Did you know that Corps lakes are home to 4,240 recreation areas and over 6,400 miles of trails? Or that more than 75 million boaters launch their boats from 3,488 boat ramps each year? Corps lakes offer recreational services at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers project sites that serve many other purposes, such as navigation, flood risk management, hydroelectric power generation, and water supply storage. They also offer opportunities to work together with other Federal, state, local, and private natural resources organizations in caring for these ecologically diverse habitats. Visit the new Value to the Nation recreation site and find out more information about a Corps lake near you!
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