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Streamgaging, National Climate Assessment, and Interagency Drought Coordination Topics of Joint Headquarters Quarterly Meeting

Published May 24, 2013
Watershed Budget Introduction, a presentation given by Mark Sudol, Navigation Data Center Director.

Watershed Budget Introduction, a presentation given by Mark Sudol, Navigation Data Center Director.

Operation Watershed Recovery: MR&T System 2011 Post-Flood Evaluation, a presentation given by Scott Whitney, Mississippi Valley Division Flood Risk Manager

Operation Watershed Recovery: MR&T System 2011 Post-Flood Evaluation, a presentation given by Scott Whitney, Mississippi Valley Division Flood Risk Manager

National Integrated Drought Information System Activities and Reauthorization, a presentation by Robert S. Webb of the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory and Roger S. Pulwarty of the NOAA Climate Program Office.

National Integrated Drought Information System Activities and Reauthorization, a presentation by Robert S. Webb of the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory and Roger S. Pulwarty of the NOAA Climate Program Office.

ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA – May 24, 2013. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) held at Joint Headquarters Meeting at the USACE Institute for Water Resources Alexandria, Virginia on May 9, 2013. Streamgaging Status and Sequestration Impacts, as well as the Federal Support Toolbox were topics at the meeting.

Steve Stockton, Director of Civil Works, presented the welcome and USACE overview, as well as a briefing on the Federal Support Toolbox.  Jerad Bales, USGS Chief Scientist of Hydrology,  gave the USGS overview and talked about the National Climate Assessment Water Sector Report. Mr. Bales and James Dalton, USACE Chief of Engineering and Construction, led a joint discussion on interagency charters.

There were several other presentations:

  • Robert Mason (USGS) and Chandra Pathak (USACE) – Streamgaging Status and Sequestration Impacts
  • Mark DeMulder (USGS) and Nancy Blyler (USACE)  –  NRC National Hydrography Study
  • Robert Webb (NOAA) – Interagency Drought Coordination; National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) / National Drought Forum
  • Scott Whitney (USACE) – Mississippi River 2011 Post-Flood Assessment
  • Mark Sudol (USACE) – USACE-USGS Watershed-Based Budget Coordination

Dr. Rolf Olsen of IWR co-organized the joint meeting. He began a detail with USGS in January 2013.  The detail’s goal is to improve interagency coordination on data sharing, water resources, climate change and structured decision making.

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