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USACE Water Supply Community of Practice Holds 2nd Biennial Workshop

Published June 24, 2011
View of Savannah, Georgia along the river
View of Savannah, Georgia along the river

ALEXANDRIA, VA—June 24, 2011. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers held its second biennial Water Supply Workshop in Savannah, Georgia on May 31 –June 2, 2011. The workshop was a gathering of the Water Supply Community of Practice, a loosely organized group of individuals representing a broad spectrum of backgrounds and expertise, all of whom are interested in the policies and procedures employed by the Corps of Engineers in the municipal and industrial water supply mission.

Topics ranged from the status of Corps water supply policies to ongoing uses and improvements in water supply models and software. Other presentations examined the status and problems of water supply activities in various watersheds and the relationships of political and economic realities in those systems. 52 people attended, including three from the non-Federal sector. The workshop concluded with a roundtable discussion of current issues and practices within the water supply community.

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