17th Street Canal breach repairs
A rock structure was built immediately east of the northernmost 17th Street levee breach, serving to help close that breach.
Credit: Alan Dooley, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
ALEXANDRIA, VA—December 7, 2010. Joe D. Manous Jr., P.E., Ph.D., D.WRE, of IWR, is the recipient of The Infrastructure Security Partnership (TISP) Annual Award for Distinguished Leadership in Critical Infrastructure Resilience, 2010 Public Sector Award. This award acknowledges Dr. Manous' many accomplishments within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Specifically, Dr. Manous' leadership in identifying, researching, and developing strategic and operational level initiatives has attained positive broad, near and long-term impacts for USACE and infrastructure resilience. Dr. Manous led research, analysis and writing of the official report on the 1993 mid-west flood, Sharing the Challenge, submitted to Senator Boxer as a status of recommendations across ten Federal agencies. He represented USACE while serving as chair of the ASCE Post-Hurricane Katrina Critical Infrastructure Guidance Task Committee, which analyzed organizational contributions to infrastructure failures associated with Hurricane Katrina and published the document Guiding Principles for the Nation's Critical Infrastructure. In addition, Dr. Manous also represented USACE when serving on the Executive Board of the National Institute for Engineering Ethics (NIEE) and as NIEE technical advisor for the production of the $300,000 engineering ethics video, Henry's Daughters. His leadership has guided our nation toward greater resiliency within several of our critical infrastructure sectors.
TISP will be recognizing individuals for their distinguished leadership in critical infrastructure resilience and volunteer service at an awards luncheon at the TISP Annual Infrastructure and Regional Resilience (AIRR) Conference in Grapevine, Texas, on Wednesday, December 8, 2010.
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Left to Right: Albert V. Romano, Senior VP, Michael Baker, Jr., Inc.; Joe Manous Jr., P.E., Ph.D., D.WRE; Bill Anderson, Director and COO, The Infrastructure and Security Partnership (TISP)
Left to Right: Joe Manous Jr., P.E., Ph.D., D.WRE; Major General William T. Grisoli, Deputy Commanding General for Civil and Emergency Operations
Left to Right: Robert Pietrowsky, Director of IWR; Joe Manous Jr., P.E., Ph.D., D.WRE