ALEXANDRIA, VA – June 15, 2010. IWR hosted the quarterly meeting of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)/U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) leadership on May 24. Steve Stockton, Director of Civil Works, represented the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Bill Werkheiser, SES Regional Director for the USGS Eastern Region, represented the U.S. Geological Survey.
Key discussion topics at the meeting included: Department of Interior Climate Science Centers and Landscape Conservation Cooperatives, presented by Robin O'Malley, USGS; USGS Biological Resources Discipline Activities in the Missouri River Basin, presented by Robb Jacobson, USGS; Sediment Transport Monitoring and Reservoir Sediment Trends, presented by John Gray, USGS and Chuck Shadie, USACE-MVD; Science for Coastal Wetlands Restoration, presented by Tom Doyle, USGS and Al Cofrancesco, USACE ERDC. Climate change activities of the Climate Change and Water Working Group (C-CAWWG) were also discussed including Long-Term and Short-Term Gaps in global climate change research and next steps following up on the Nonstationarity Workshop.
A key meeting outcome was the announcement of an upcoming C-CAWWG workshop in Shepherdstown, WV in August 2010 on "Assessing a Portfolio of Approaches for Producing Climate Change Information to Support Adaptation Decisions."
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