ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA. Institute for Water Resources (IWR) Climate and Global Change team lead Kathleen D. White, PhD, PE, was a part of a team recently recognized with one of President Obama’s 2013 GreenGov Presidential Awards. The GreenGov Presidential Awards, which were announced November 5th in D.C., honor exceptional federal personnel, teams, projects and facilities, and programs that exemplify President Obama's charge to lead by example in sustainability.
Dr. White was a part of a team recognized for developing the Sea Level Rise Tool for Sandy Recovery, which is now being used in New York and New Jersey where planning and rebuilding is underway. The team also included Mark Huber of the Army Geospatial Center and representatives from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Global Change Research Program. The Sea Level Rise Tool incorporates the previously developed USACE sea-level rise calculator.
“The Institute, USACE and the entire federal water resources community are indeed fortunate to benefit from the skill and dedication of Dr. White, with her contributions to the advancement of USACE's ability to anticipate and adapt to global change representing a key success factor for the current and future Civil Works program," said IWR Director Robert Pietrowsky.
James Dalton, the USACE Headquarters Chief of Construction and Engineering, congratulated Dr. White, recognizing her hard work in support of Climate Change. “It’s great that you and the interagency team have been recognized at such a high level. I'm extremely proud of you and grateful you're part of our team,” he said.
Jeannette Fiess, Sustainability and Energy Program Manager for the USACE Northwestern Division, was also recognized with the Sustainability Hero Award. Ms. Fiess has been a sustainability champion and agent of change within USACE since 2003, serving as an advocate for training in sustainability related fields and has inspired others along the journey to sustainability.
USACE has six sustainability-related awards in its annual Chief of Engineers Awards of Excellence Program that are precursors to the GreenGov awards.