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IWR's Rosalind Wiseman-Bell Attended Emerging Leaders Conference

Published Nov. 18, 2014
Lt. Gen. Thomas P. Bostick (left) and Command Sgt. Maj. Karl J. Groninger (right) recognizing Ms. Wiseman-Bell at the USACE Summer Leaders Conference.

Lt. Gen. Thomas P. Bostick (left) and Command Sgt. Maj. Karl J. Groninger (right) recognizing Ms. Wiseman-Bell at the USACE Summer Leaders Conference.

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — USACE Institute for Water Resources' Rosalind Wiseman-Bell participated in the USACE 2014 Emerging Leaders Program held 3-8 August. She attended a three-day leadership training course at HQ/Fort Belvoir along with 14 other USACE "emerging leaders." After the course, she shadowed a Senior Leader during the USACE Summer Leaders' Conference. Ms. Sue Engelhardt, Director of Human Resources Management , was Ms. Wiseman-Bell mentor for the week, answering questions, introducing her to people, and exposing her to USACE programs outside of the Civil Works and Navigation missions.

The Emerging Leaders program provides a forum for participants to have a unique experience to identify their individual strengths and constraints. The USACE supports the program in order to build the bench of the next generation of leaders. Each year participants are selected from enthusiastic and dedicated Corps personnel who exhibit leadership talents and capabilities.

Ms. Wiseman-Bell was the third candidate from IWR to participate in this program. She said she was excited to be nominated to be a part of the emerging leaders program as it gave her an opportunity to network with other emerging and senior leaders and learn more about the Corps mission.

The USACE Senior Summer Leaders' Conference brings together U.S. Army Corps of Engineers leaders from around the world along with key stakeholders to discuss critical issues; enhance transparency, inclusion, and collaboration; reinforce key relationships; and orient, focus, and synchronize command resources for the coming months and years. An event of this nature requires face-to-face interaction among senior and emerging leaders and key stakeholders in order to enhance USACE’s value to the Nation.

Ms. Wiseman-Bell has been with IWR as a Program Analyst since 2010. She currently serves as the Program Analyst for the National Flood Risk Management Program and General Expense Account for IWR. Prior to joining IWR, Ms. Wiseman-Bell worked in the Baltimore District for 15 years as a program analyst and a budget/financial analyst in Construction Division, Program/Project Management Division and Resource Management Office.