ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA. More than fifty project delivery teams (PDTs) across all USACE divisions have discovered IWR-APT as a “go to” tool for their planning studies. IWR-APT “makes the new SMART planning requirements easier to track. It provides a central location to house and create our SMART Planning deliverables. It is also easy to use and provides consistency in our documents,” according to Samantha Borer, a plan formulator for the Jacksonville District who has used APT on multiple projects.
IWR-APT, short for Institute for Water Resources – Assistance for Planning Teams, is an online tool available to USACE PDT members at APT encourages collaboration, transparency, accountability, consistent and quality products, and sharing lessons learned. APT has robust capabilities such as the Risk Register, Decision Management Plan (DMP), Decision Log, Study Issue Checklist, and SMART Planning Deliverable Workflow and more! APT has transformed these Excel or Word templates to a digital application with “just-in-time” training to help the PDT better understand the intent, purpose, and deliverable requirements. PDTs can be assured that the “latest and greatest” versions for their project will always be at their fingertips and ready for no fuss printing to pre-formatted pdf.
Top 5 - APT Benefits:
Find, follow and learn from past and present SMART planning projects
Online PDT, reviewer and vertical team collaboration
“Latest and greatest” templates embedded in tools; prints pre-formatted products for read-ahead materials and more
“Just-in-time” training within module — for example, the Risk Register provides help features on what is expected for each input
Easily manage and find project resources to avoid re-creating them; Ensure products, decisions and context are organized to not only help the PDT, but ensure consistency and smooth transitions of project knowledge to new team members
IWR-APT is a community driven tool, with the USACE Planning Community of Practice and several Corps-wide Planning PDTs working with the Institute to drive APT’s development – and it’s expected that the Planning Community will continue to shape the tool to support SMART Planning needs on an enterprise basis. Please email to arrange a demo, provide suggestions or report bugs.
Learn More
For more information, view the informational video and “Getting Started and FAQ” document at
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