Ocean City Beach looking north and the Everglades

National Shoreline Management Study

Eroding U.S. Shorelines - A Call for Resiliency

The NSMS results show that the shorelines of the U.S. are eroding, with enormous implications for the health, economics, and welfare of our citizens and the environment. Climate change and sea level rise significantly compound the regional and local issues on what management steps are needed to establish resilient shorelines.

Each region faces a unique set of challenges and requires regional solutions. Federal leadership is needed to help facilitate regional and local efforts to identify shoreline management issues, develop shoreline management plans, and provide the basis for action. Key players include state, local and city governments, and the private sector, working closely with academia, interest groups, and other stakeholders. Given that there are insufficient federal funds for U.S. shoreline protection needs, the NSMS findings point to the need to find innovative financing approaches using public-private partnerships and alternative financing options.

Study participants have prepared a number of fact sheets to provide information at the national, regional and state levels: