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Rijkswaterstaat Collaboration

Published Dec. 1, 2014
Visit to the Port of Rotterdam traffic management center – (left to right) Port Captain, Port of Rotterdam, Will Logan (Deputy Director, ICIWaRM), Ronald Paul (COO, Port of Rotterdam), Ms Jo-Ellen Darcy (ASA-CW), John Lonnquest (Chief, USACE O/History), James Dalton (Chief, USACE Engineering and Construction), Hans Pietersen (RWS contact to USACE), Bob Pietrowsky (Director, IWR), Joe Manous (IWR), Mark Sudol (Director, USACE Navigation and Civil Works Decision Support Ctr), Ruud Staverman (RWS).

Visit to the Port of Rotterdam traffic management center – (left to right) Port Captain, Port of Rotterdam, Will Logan (Deputy Director, ICIWaRM), Ronald Paul (COO, Port of Rotterdam), Ms Jo-Ellen Darcy (ASA-CW), John Lonnquest (Chief, USACE O/History), James Dalton (Chief, USACE Engineering and Construction), Hans Pietersen (RWS contact to USACE), Bob Pietrowsky (Director, IWR), Joe Manous (IWR), Mark Sudol (Director, USACE Navigation and Civil Works Decision Support Ctr), Ruud Staverman (RWS).

Visit to the new Deltares Delta Flume (Advanced Wave Test Facility) in Delft – This 9.5m deep by 5m wide facility will generate wave heights of 2.2m for testing materials and structural responses to large wave actions. (left to right) John Lonnquest (Chief, USACE O/History), Will Logan (Deputy Director, ICIWaRM), Deltares Official, LTC Antoinette Gant (OASA-CW), Project Engineer (Deltares), Mark Sudol (Director, USACE Navigation and Civil Works Decision Support Ctr), James Dalton (Chief, USACE Engineering and Construction), Mary Fencl (Deltares), Ms Jo-Ellen Darcy (ASA-CW), Bob Pietrowsky (Director, IWR).

Visit to the new Deltares Delta Flume (Advanced Wave Test Facility) in Delft – This 9.5m deep by 5m wide facility will generate wave heights of 2.2m for testing materials and structural responses to large wave actions. (left to right) John Lonnquest (Chief, USACE O/History), Will Logan (Deputy Director, ICIWaRM), Deltares Official, LTC Antoinette Gant (OASA-CW), Project Engineer (Deltares), Mark Sudol (Director, USACE Navigation and Civil Works Decision Support Ctr), James Dalton (Chief, USACE Engineering and Construction), Mary Fencl (Deltares), Ms Jo-Ellen Darcy (ASA-CW), Bob Pietrowsky (Director, IWR).

Mr. Jan Hendrik Dronkers, Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) Director General and Ms. Jo-Ellen Darcy, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, and the RSW and USACE teams  who led the development of the joint publication and the conduct of the symposium at The Delft.

Mr. Jan Hendrik Dronkers, Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) Director General and Ms. Jo-Ellen Darcy, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, and the RSW and USACE teams who led the development of the joint publication and the conduct of the symposium at The Delft.

A USACE delegation led by Ms. Jo-Ellen Darcy met in The Hague on 11 Nov to discuss progress in technical exchanges and collaboration under a MoA between the Dutch Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) and USACE. This annual Steering Cmte meeting was co-chaired by Ms. Darcy and Jan Hendrik Dronkers, RWS Director General. The meeting recognized ten years of formal MoA collaboration and included presentations by James Dalton (HQs) on Civil Works Transformation, Bob Pietrowsky (IWR) on U.S. Water Resources in the Federal Government, and Mark Sudol (IWR) on use of USACE’s WISDM tool by the RWS. The meeting concluded with a review of the eleven program areas of on-going collaboration between members of USACE and RWS.

The trip was highlighted by the publication of a comparative history of the two organizations, “Two Centuries of Experience in Water Resources Management: A Dutch-US Retrospective”, which was publicly released during a seminar held in Delft. Featured presenters included John Lonnquest (USACE Office of History) who, as lead editor, discussed the history book and Bob Pietrowsky who presented on New Directions in Water Resources Planning and Management. Copies of the book are available for free digital download below. 

The results of this ten year collaboration have been substantial to include technical support and information exchanges on a range of topics related to flood risk reduction, levee safety, resilience, knowledge management, and sustainment of our large and aging water resources infrastructures.