IWR Mission: Environment



Environment Value to the Nation


The Corps Institute for Water Resources (IWR)'s work in the Environment includes serving on the Environmental Advisory Board, producing Environmental Data Studies, and providing Environmental Service Support.  The Environmental Section of Value to the Nation covers how the Corps has been providing value to the Environment including projects such as the Sustainable Rivers Project.  IWR is also involved in Environmental Restoration by making IWR resources available and assisting the Corps Environmental Planning Center of Experise with the development of review scopes, coordination of model certification/approval review activities, and general review of the overarching planning model certification program’s effectiveness, efficiency, and emerging issues.



Achieving Environmental Sustainability

 IWR facilitates the achievement of environmental sustainability by developing a conceptual basis for the management of strategic impediments to goal achievement and by contributing conceptually to specific issues management. Specific objectives include conceptual development of a systematic approach to strategic issues management and developing concepts that address:

1. Sustainability definitions, principles, and objectives for the USACE

2. Systems-oriented analytical approaches to goal achievement

3. Inventories of environmental conditions

4. Visions of an environmentally sustainable state

5. Integration of strategies into the Civil Works Strategic Plan

6. Indicators of environmental benefit from achievement of environmental sustainability

7. Integration of sustainability principles into policy guidance

8. Frameworks for project and regional planning that facilitate a "systems approach"

9. An integrated approach to research and development

10. Improved collaboration

Significant progress has been achieved so far in products of various forms, but particularly with respect to definition of sustainability principles, environmental benefits improvement, inventory of environmental resources, and IWRM concepts and principles, Other progress is being made outside the context of this project. Project benefits are associated with any resulting improvement in USACE achievement of environmental sustainability.