This series of articles about the Sustainable Rivers Project were published in The Corps Environment, a quarterly newsletter that provides information about Corps environmental actions, issues, policies and technologies.
Sustainable Rivers Overview
"River project brings together Corps, The Nature Conservancy" (pdf, 330 KB)
April 2005, The Corps Environment
Ecosystem Flows
"Ecosystem flows defined for Bill Williams River" (pdf, 201 KB)
October 2005, The Corps Environment
Green River Lake and Dam
"Green River Lake and Dam interim plan benefits ecosystem" (pdf, 190 KB)
October 2006, The Corps Environment
Learning Together, Joint Training for Corps and Conservancy
"Corps and The Nature Conservancy develop joint training" (pdf, 272 KB)
January 2007, The Corps Environment
Sustainable Rivers and the Yangtze
"Joint team travels to China" (pdf, 221 KB)
April 2007, The Corps Environment
Collaboration for Caddo Lake
"Joint project looks at Texas watershed" (pdf, 189 KB)
July 2007, The Corps Environment
Corps and TNC Develop Tool to Help Improve River Management
"New technology improves river management" (pdf, 170 KB)
October 2007, The Corps Environment
Floodplains and Sustainable Rivers
"Projects restore floodplain ecosystems while reducing flood risk" (pdf, 389 KB)
January 2008, The Corps Environment