US Army Corps of Engineers
Institute for Water Resources Website

Flood Risk Management Program


Frequently Asked Questions

Acronym List

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


  • AAPA – American Association of Port Authorities
  • APA – American Planning Association
  • AR – Army Regulation
  • ASA(CW) – Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works
  • ASCE – American Society of Civil Engineers
  • ASDSO – Association of State Dam Safety Officials
  • ASFPM – Association of State Floodplain Managers

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  • BFE – Base Flood Elevation used in FIRM Mapping
  • BoR – Bureau of Reclamation

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  • CAP – Continuing Authorities Program
  • CDBG – Community Development Block Grant
  • CEM – Civil Emergency Management
  • CEQ – Council for Environmental Quality
  • CFM – Certified floodplain manager
  • CG – Construction General
  • CNMS – Coordinated Needs Management Strategy
  • COBRA – Coastal Barrier Resources Act
  • CoP – Community of Practice
  • CRS – Community Rating System

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  • DFIRM – Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map
  • DHS – Department of Homeland Security
  • DOI – U.S. Department of the Interior

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  • E.O. – Executive Order
  • EC – Engineering Curricular
  • EDR – Engineering Documentation Report
  • EIS – Environmental Impact Statement
  • EM – Engineering Manual
  • EMI – Emergency Management Institute
  • EOC – Emergency Operations Center
  • EP – Engineering Pamphlet
  • EPA – Environmental Protection Agency
  • ER – Engineering Regulation
  • ETL – Engineering Technical Letter

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  • FCCE – Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies
  • FCSA – Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement
  • FEMA – Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • FIFM-TF – Federal Interagency Floodplain Management Task Force
  • FIRM – Flood Insurance Rate Map
  • FIS – Flood Insurance Study
  • FloodSAFE – California’s Floodplain Management program
  • FloodSMART – FEMA’s outreach for NFIP information
  • FMA – Flood Mitigation Assistant
  • FPM – Flood Plain Management
  • FPMS – Flood Plain Management Services program
  • FRM – Flood Risk Management

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  • GDM – General Design Memorandum
  • GI – General Investigation
  • GIS – Geographical Information System
  • GRR – General Re-evaluation Report

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  • H&H – Hydrology and Hydraulics
  • HMGP – Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
  • HQ – Headquarters
  • HUD – U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

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  • ICC – Increased Cost of Compliance
  • ICW – Inspection of Completed Works
  • IFRMC – Intergovernmental  Flood Risk Management Committee

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  • LOMA – Letter of map amendment
  • LOMC – Letter of Map Change
  • LOMR – Letter of Map Revision
  • LOMR-F – Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill
  • LRR – Limited Re-evaluation Report
  • LSO – Levee Safety Officer
  • LSPM – Levee Safety Program Manager

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  • MDCP – Maintenance Deficient Correction Program
  • MIP – Mapping Information Platform
  • MNUSS – Map Needs Update Support System
  • MSC – Major Subordinate Command
  • MSC – Map Service Center

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  • NAFSMA – National Association of Flood and Stormwater Management Agencies
  • NCLS – National Committee on Levee Safety
  • NEMA – National Emergency Managers Association
  • NFHL – National Flood Hazard Layer
  • NFIP – National Flood Insurance Program
  • NFIRA – National Flood Insurance Reform Act 1994
  • NFPC – National Flood Proofing Committee
  • NFRMP – National Flood Risk Management Program
  • NGO – Non-Governmental Organization
  • NHMA – Natural Hazard Mitigation Association
  • NMFS – National Marine Fisheries Service
  • NOAA – National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
  • NRCS – Natural Resources Conservation Service
  • NWS – National Weather Service

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  • O&M – Operations and Maintenance

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  • P.A.L. – Provisionally Accredited Levee
  • P.L.  – Public Law
  • PAC – Post Authorization Change
  • PAS – Planning Assistance to States
  • PCA – Project Cooperation Agreement
  • PGL – Planning Guidance Letter
  • PgMP – Program Management Plan
  • PIR – Project Information Report
  • PM – Project Manager
  • PM – FEMA Procedure Memorandum
  • PMP – Project Management Plan
  • PMR – Physical Map Revision
  • PPA – Project Partnership Agreement

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  • R&U – Risk and Uncertainty
  • Recon – Reconnaissance Study
  • RIP – Rehabilitation and Inspection Program
  • RiskMAP – FEMA’s Risk Mapping, Assessment and Planning Program

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  • S.J. – Silver Jackets
  • SBA – Small Business Administration
  • SFHA – Special Flood Hazard Area

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  • USACE – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • USDA – U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • USFWS – U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  • USGS – U.S. Geological survey

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  • VTC – Video teleconferencing

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  • WRDA – Water Resources Development Act

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