Flood Risk Management Program


2010 USACE Flood Risk Management Program Workshop Presentations

Workshop Presentation
  • Nashville Flood Photos: Richard Hancock, Director of Regional Business, Great Lakes and Ohio River Division - Presentation (pdf, 9.08 MB)
  • National Flood Risk Management Program Overview: Pete Rabbon, Director, National Flood Risk Management Program and Jennifer Dunn, Program Manager, Silver Jackets - Presentation (pdf, 3.17 MB)
  • Effectively managing flood risk in the U.S. - How did we get where we are and where do we go from here?: Dr. Gerry Galloway - Presentation (pdf, 4.48 MB)
  • FEMA's Role in Flood Risk Management - RiskMAP & Flood Risk Mitigation Planning: Doug Bellomo, Director, Risk Analysis Division, FEMA - Presentation (pdf, 3.29 MB)
  • USGS Collaboration on Floods-a Northern USGS Science Center Perspective: James Fallon, USGS, Chief, Hydrologic Networks & Data, MN - Presentation (pdf, 2.49 MB)
  • Natural Resources Conservation Service, Flood Hazard Assessment/Hydrologic Forecasting Programs & Tools; John Glover, NRCS, Branch Chief, Easement Programs - Presentation (pdf, 1.96 MB)
  • NOAA's Partnerships in Northern Plains Flooding 2009-2010; Mike Hudson, National Weather Service, Chief Operating Officer, Central Region Headquarters - Presentation (pdf, 3.70 MB)
  • Assembling the Right Resources for Reducing Losses from Natural Disasters; Ed Thomas, Michael Baker Corporation - Presentation (pdf, 8.21 MB)
  • Successful Projects Through Synergy; Making the Most of State and Federal Resources and Capabilities; Manuela Johnson, Mitigation Program Director, Indiana Department of Homeland Security, Indiana Silver Jackets Team - Presentation (pdf, 5.18 MB)
  • Improving Public Participation in Flood Risk Management: Jim Creighton, Creighton & Creighton - Presentation (pdf, 4.82 MB)
  • Incorporation of Nonstructural Solutions that Support Beneficial Uses of the Floodplain: Sally McConkey, ASFPM Vice-Chair & Dave Fowler, ASFPM Chair of the Natural and Beneficial Functions Committee - Presentation (pdf, 29.06 MB)
  • Introduction of Facilitative Leadership. Catherine Gregory, Touchstone Consulting Group, Inc - Presentation (pdf, 3.93 MB)
  • Hazard Mitigation Planning - FEMA Programs for Hazard Mitigation Planning for Communities: Kathy Smith, FEMA HQ, Senior Mitigation Planner & Tom Smith, FEMA Region V, Mitigation Planner - Presentation 1 (pdf, 3.95 MB); Presentation 2 (pdf, 9.85 MB)
  • Introduction to the National Levee Database: Bryan Baker, Technical Program Manager, National Levee Database - Handout (pdf, 1.18 MB)
  • Charge: Integrate "Coastal" into Flood Risk Management Program: Lynn Martin, USACE, IWR - Presentation (pdf, 2.42 MB)
  • Watershed-Level: Regional Flood Risk Management Team: Collaborative Risk Reduction: Bruce Munholand/Hank DeHaan - Presentation (pdf, 16.54 MB)
  • USACE Levee Safety Policy Update: Michael Bart, P.E. - Presentation (pdf, 3.98 MB)