Flood Risk Management Program


2011 USACE Flood Risk Mgmt and Silver Jackets Workshop Presentations

Day One: Monday, August 15th

10:00 — 4:00 Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) Refresher Training


Susan Wilson, CFM, Chief, Floodplain Management and Insurance Branch Mitigation Division, FEMA Region IV;

Jason Hunter, CFM, Sr. Natural Hazard Program Specialist, Floodplain Management and Insurance Branch Mitigation Division, FEMA Region IV

The Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFMP) CFM Exam will be given 6-9 pm, Wednesday, 17 August.

12:00 — 2:00 Adapting Flood Risk Management Programs to Changing Conditions (with focus on climate change) (By invitation only)

Speaker: Rolf Olsen, USACE-Institute for Water Resources

The purpose of this facilitated session is to solicit ideas and feedback from a hand-selected group of individuals from the field representing different USACE flood risk management-related programs, to discuss what institutional changes might make their programs better able to adjust to changing future conditions (with a focus on climate change).

2:00 — 4:00 USACE Flood Risk Management Community of Practice Meeting with MSC FRM and SJ Program Managers and Business Line Managers (By invitation only)


Alex Dornstauder, Director, National Flood Risk Management Program, HQ-USACE;

Jeffrey Jensen, Deputy Director, National Flood Risk Management Program, USACE-Institute for Water Resources

4:00 — 7:00 Registration/Check-In
6:00 — 7:00 Silver Jackets Program Management


Alex Dornstauder, Director, National Flood Risk Management Program, HQ-USACE

Jennifer Dunn, Program Manager, Silver Jackets Program, USACE-Institute for Water Resources (IWR)

Required for SJ PMs (District and Divisions); open to all.

6:00 — 7:00 External Partner Orientation: "Corps-speak" Immersion Program

Speaker: Judy Soutiere, CFM, National Flood Risk Management Team, USACE-Institute for Water Resources (IWR)
Presentation (pdf, 6.07 MB)| Handout (pdf, 4.80 MB)

While the USACE Flood Risk Management Program is making every effort not to speak in 'alphabet soup', this optional session will provide a general background on the USACE and the Flood Risk Management and Silver Jackets Programs. Participants will learn about the USACE Communities of Practice, the Driving Down Risk figure, and the initiation of the National Flood Risk Management Program, as well as a brief overview of the USACE structure and terminology. Participants will also be introduced to a host of relatively new positions in Flood Risk Management and Silver Jackets coordination. For an agency employee who has not worked with the USACE on a regular basis, this session should be informative.

7:00 — 9:00 Welcome Reception


Day Two: Tuesday, August 16th

7:00 — 8:30 Registration/Check-In
8:30 — 9:00 Welcome


Lt. Colonel James DeLapp, District Commander, Nashville District, USACE

Major General Jim Bassham, Director of Tennessee Emergency Management Agency

9:00 — 9:10 Overview of Workshop Intent & Objectives

Speaker: Jeff Jensen, Deputy Director, National Flood Risk Management Program, USACE-Institute for Water Resources
Presentation (pdf, 309 KB)

Mr. Jensen will review workshop objectives with participants, describe desired outcomes and provide a general program overview.

9:10 — 9:45 Views from Senior Leadership: National and International Perspectives on Flood Risk Management, Changing our Culture


Ms. Karen Durham-Aguilera, Director of Contingency Operations and Homeland Security, HQ-USACE
Presentation (pdf, 1.24 MB)

Dr. Sandra Knight, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Mitigation Directorate, FEMA
Presentation (pdf, 924 KB)

These senior leaders will discuss the national context of flood risk management from their perspectives and their view of the critical role it plays in reducing flood risk in the nation. This session will also include the progress being made with the Federal Interagency Floodplain Management Task Force (FIFM-TF) and lessons learned during the recent International Workshop.

10:15 — 10:50 Plenary Presentation and Discussion: The USACE Flood Risk Management and Silver Jackets Programs: Driving Down Risk through Shared Responsibility

Speaker: Alex Dornstauder, Director, National Flood Risk Management Program, USACE
Presentation (pdf, 1.71 MB) | Handout for GS-13 SPN (pdf, 424 KB) | Handout for GS-13 (pdf, 26 KB)| Handout for GS-14 (pdf, 50 KB)

Mr. Dornstauder will highlight developments of the Flood Risk Management and Silver Jackets Programs. Audience will then complete a brief table exercise to develop job description for a Flood Risk Program Manager and Silver Jackets Program Manager.

10:50 — 11:30 Plenary Presentation and Discussion: Regional Experiences in Flood Risk Management


Russell Davis, Chief, Operations Management, USACE—Memphis District
Presentation (pdf, 2.25 MB)

Kristina Mullins, Deputy for Project Management, USACE—Sacramento District
Presentation (pdf, 1.12 MB)

Sally Ziolkowski, Mitigation Director, FEMA-Region IX
Presentation (pdf, 921 KB)

The speakers will share their regional experiences in interagency coordination in issue resolution and communication.

11:30 — 1:00 Lunch: The 2010 Nashville Floods Experience

Keynote Speaker: Director-Chief Stephen Halford, Fire Chief, City of Nashville
Presentation (pdf, 11.8 MB)

1:00 — 2:30 Breakout Sessions: Best Practices and Lessons Learned in Flood Risk Management
Track 1: 2010 Nashville Flood Perspectives

This session will highlight the historic May 2010 flood event in the Nashville area, covering a range of topics including: cooperative efforts for flood preparedness, meteorological factors which resulted in the historic flood event, lessons learned from the event, and post event damage assessments/disaster recovery.

Moderator: Roger Lindsey, Metro Nashville Water Services


  1. Cooperative Efforts in Nashville Flood Preparedness; Jamie G. James, USACE—Nashville
    Presentation (pdf, 1.70 MB)
  2. Cumberland River Basin, May 2010 Flood Event;Larry Vannozzi, National Weather Service — Nashville;
    Presentation (pdf, 1.89 MB)
    Bob Sneed, USACE-Nashville District;
    Presentation (pdf, 6.66 MB)
    Jim Noel, National Weather Service-Ohio River Forecast Center
    Presentation (pdf, 1.15 MB)
  3. Post Flood Damage Assessment and Disaster Recovery: The process in Kingston Springs, TN;
    Alan M. Armstrong and Sharon Caton, Tennessee Association of Floodplain Management
    Presentation (pdf, 1.95 MB)
Track 2: Coastal Flood Risk Management

Emerging threats from sea level rise and cumulative environmental impacts complicate selection of appropriate FRM techniques in coastal areas. This session will include an examination of the life-cycle model for FRM in coastal areas with current and future opportunities for collaboration; higher floodplain standards for coastal areas subject to sea level rise; the use of non-structural measures and natural protective features to reduce coastal hazard impacts; and a discussion of climate change adaptation planning strategies in response to expected sea level rise.

Moderator: Susan Durden, USACE Institute for Water Resources


  1. Coastal FRM: Current and Future Opportunities for Collaboration; Lauren Leuck (presenting) & Lynn Martin, USACE-Institute for Water Resources
    Presentation (pdf, 1.86 MB)
  2. Coastal Resilience Planning Process for New York State Communities;
    Barry Pendergrass, New York State Department of State
    Presentation (pdf, 2.17 MB)
  3. South Florida Sea Level Rise Projections and Flood Risk Concerns, Glenn Landers, USACE-Jacksonville District
    Presentation (pdf, 8.03 MB)
Track 3: Flood Risk Management through Mitigation

Mitigation planning forms the foundation for strategies to reduce disaster losses. This session will discuss the Florida Best Practices Guide which was designed to guide successful severe repetitive loss (SPL) mitigation, FEMA's hazard mitigation strategy during a disaster and how collaborative partnerships can increase effective mitigation activity in the future, and how to address the integration of flood mitigation planning at the local level. Examples from Florida, the Northeast (Massachusetts/Rhode Island), and the Midwest will be addressed.

Moderator: Norb Schwartz, USACE Flood Risk Management Team


  1. Hazard Mitigation Planning—Maximizing Update Resources;
    Devan Leavins, Florida Division of Emergency Management
    Presentation (pdf, 2.52 MB)
  2. Hazard Mitigation Strategy Development during Disasters;
    Robert Nadeau, Mitigation Division, FEMA Region I
    Presentation (pdf, 712 KB)
  3. Promoting Local Planning for Flood Hazard Mitigation;
    Tom Smith, Mitigation Division, FEMA Region V
    Presentation (pdf, 3.29 MB)
Track 4: Interagency Collaboration

A critical aspect of effective flood risk management is interagency collaboration. This session will explore three experiences in optimizing the efforts of multiple agencies. First, partnerships among city, county, state, and federal agencies built a coordinated flood vulnerability assessment and flood readiness plan. Second, integration of a federal project, the Support for Others program, and Missouri's State Emergency Management Agency's hazard mitigation funds from FEMA resulted in reduced flood risk through channel widening and bridge removal. And lastly, there will be a discussion of the elements—joint, local, State, and Federal—of the Central Valley Flood Protection Plan.

Moderator: Edward Thomas, Natural Hazards Mitigation Association (NHMA)


  1. The Nexus Project: Integrating Interagency Flood Hazard Solutions on Brush Creek;
    Brian Rast, USACE-Kansas City District
    Presentation (pdf, 3.77 MB)
  2. Building Partnerships for a Coordinated Flood Vulnerability Assessment and Flood Readiness Plan. Are You Ready?;
    William Smiley, USACE-Tulsa District
    Presentation (pdf, 570 KB)
  3. The Central Valley Flood Protection Plan: The Process of Building a System-wide Investment Strategy;
    Paul Marshall (presenting) and Gary Bardini, California Department of Water Resources
    Presentation (pdf, 2.07 MB)
2:45 — 3:30 Plenary Presentation and Discussion: FEMA Risk MAP Program - An Opportunity to Further Collaborate

Speaker: Doug Bellomo, Director, Risk Analysis Division, FEMA
Presentation (pdf, 1.09 MB) | Flood Risk Report Prototype (pdf, 2.78 MB) | Risk MAP and the NFIP Fact Sheet (pdf, 96.1 KB)| Risk MAP Flood Risk Products (pdf, 1.38 MB) | What is Risk MAP Fact Sheet (pdf, 771 KB)

Mr. Bellomo will provide an overview of the Risk MAP program, the products being produced, and the processes being employed to get there. He will highlight opportunities to align efforts with Silver Jackets and the USACE Flood Risk Management program.

3:30 — 4:20 Plenary Presentation and Discussion: Reducing Flood Risk through Interagency Collaboration

Moderator: Norb Schwartz, USACE Flood Risk Management Team


Brian Gillen, Department of Housing and Urban Development
Presentation (pdf, 1.58 MB)

Tim Sweeney, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS-USDA)
Presentation (pdf, 1.18 MB)

Noreen Schwein, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Presentation (pdf, 3.45 MB)

Federal agency representatives will present recent activities in partnering to leverage resources and reduce flood risk.

4:20 — 5:15 Plenary Presentation and Discussion: Achieving Environmental Success in Flood Risk Management

Moderator: Peter Rabbon, USACE-Institute for Water Resources


Dusty Williams, National Association of Flood & Stormwater Management Agencies (NAFSMA)
Presentation (pdf, 6.60 MB)

Larry Larson, Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM)
Presentation (pdf, 3.20 MB)

Mark Ogden, Association of Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO)
Presentation (pdf, 721 KB)

Edward Thomas, Natural Hazards Mitigation Association (NHMA)
Presentation (pdf, 1.08 MB)

Handouts: Partnership Flyer Page 1 (pdf, 147 KB)| Partnership Flyer Page 2 (pdf, 60 KB) | Combined Partnership Flyer (pdf, 199 KB)| NHMA Fact Sheet (pdf, 79 KB)| Safe Room Flyer (pdf, 118 KB)

Representatives of ASFPM, NAFSMA, ASDSO and NHMA will present projects where environmental values and interests were met while reducing flood risk to humans and property, particularly those of a multiagency nature. Factors that made these projects successful will be discussed.

6:00 — 7:00 Silver Jackets Pilot Project Open House


Day Three: Wednesday, August 17th

7:00 — 8:00 Registration/Check-In
8:00 — 8:45 Senior Leadership Perspective: Building Strong through Flood Risk Management and Silver Jackets

Speaker: Major General Merdith W.B. (Bo) Temple, Acting Chief of Engineers, USACE

8:45 — 10:00 Plenary & Small Group Discussions: Life-Cycle Opportunities in Flood Risk Management: What Are You Doing to Reduce Risk?

Facilitator: Mark Dunning, CDM

Speaker: Jeffrey Jensen, Deputy Director, National Flood Risk Management Program, USACE-Institute for Water Resources
Presentation (pdf, 1.71 MB) | Handout (pdf, 81 KB)

Mr. Jensen will present the Life-Cycle and Driving Down Risk figures in detail. Participants will be seated at tables according to their Community of Practice or partner agency affiliation. Tables will be asked to discuss the activities their CoP or agency contributes to the Life-Cycle and Driving Down Risk figures, and report out to the group.

10:30 — 3:00 Training Sessions

(time period includes Lunch on your Own and Optional National Levee Database Demonstration)

Track 1: Flood Risk Communication Essentials: What people know about flood risk and what we can do about it


Torrie McAllister, USACE-South Pacific Division;
Presentation (pdf, 3.55 MB)

Vince Brown, FEMA HQ;
Presentation (pdf, 1.17 MB)

Timothy Connell, USACE-New Orleans District
Presentation (pdf, 5.21 MB)

Handouts: Community Engagement (pdf, 131 KB) | What People Know About Flood Risk (pdf, 0.99 MB) | Key Takeaways Local Officials (pdf, 171 KB)| Key Takeaways Public (pdf, 169 KB)

This session will provide an overview of how to develop and implement a communication plan for your Silver Jackets or flood risk management team including assessing audiences, determining effective methods of communication and principles for developing effective messages. Please note, this training is intended to complement and support activities related to public involvement and team facilitation, not replace. This training will be informed by results from FEMA's recent public survey used to determine baseline of flood risk awareness, preferences for receipt of flood risk information, messages and delivery

Track 2: Flood Warning and Observation

Instructor: Mark Slauter, Virginia Department of Emergency Management
Presentation (pdf, 16.6 MB)

This interactive session will discuss several tools available to acquire and maintain situational awareness regarding stream and river water levels during a flooding event, and recommended strategies for localities to position themselves for success in the use of flood warning information. The session will briefly address the Integrated Flood Warning Observation System (IFLOWS), U.S. Geological Survey stream gauges and National Weather Service forecast products related to flood warning. The course will also provide recommendations for incorporating specific pre-planned responses into the Emergency Operations Plan based on trigger points from various flood warning systems.

Track 3: Getting the Most Out of Your Flood Risk Management Dollars: Silver Jackets, Non-Structural Solutions, Floodplain Management Services and Planning Assistance to States

Introduction (pdf, 102 KB)


Randy Behm, USACE-Omaha District;
Presentation (pdf, 170 KB) | Non-Structural Handout (pdf, 28 KB) | Training Session (pdf, 104 KB)

Joseph Remondini, USACE-Tulsa District;
Presentation (pdf, 7.18 MB)

Jerry Skalak, USACE-Rock Island District;
Presentation (pdf, 6.62 MB)

Tom Oswald, Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division;

Tracy Schwarz, USACE-Walla Walla District;
Presentation (pdf, 4.39 MB)

Lisa Hair, USEPA, Office of Water, Office of Oceans, Wetlands, and Watersheds;
Presentation (pdf, 4.6 MB)

Richard Leonard, FEMA;
Presentation (pdf, 173 KB)

Noreen Schwein, NOAA;
Presentation (pdf, 297 KB)

Shannon Williams, USGS;

Tim Sweeney, Natural Resources Conservation Service

This session will provide an overview of the applicability of non-structural measures and the array of agency authorities available to implement them. Examples of completed non-structural projects that include flood warning systems, environmental benefits, etc. will be presented and discussed as well as programs from Federal agencies (e.g. USACE, USGS, FEMA, HUD, NRCS, etc.) that fund implementation of non-structural measures.

The USACE Floodplain Management Services and Planning Assistance to States programs can provide important services throughout the flood risk management life-cycle. These programs can support more effective flood risk management through pre- and post-flood planning and technical services, and can serve as important components of a state or community's overall flood risk management plan. Examples of recently successful implementation, including examples of leveraging these programs to foster greater benefits, will be discussed.

12:15 — 1:00 Lunch Demonstration: Overview of the National Levee Database

Speaker: William Empson, Levee Safety Program, USACE-Institute for Water Resources
Presentation (pdf, 4.75 MB)

Since the development of the USACE National Levee Database, flood risk managers now have tools for viewing the location and condition of levees and other flood control tructures. Participants are invited to purchase a lunch and return to the ballroom for an verview of the National Levee Database

3:30 — 4:30 Plenary Discussion & Small Group Discussion: "Doing" Flood Risk Management Back Home

Speaker: Scott Whitney, Mississippi Valley Division Flood Risk and Silver Jackets Program Manager, USACE-Mississippi Valley Division
Presentation (pdf, 1.00 MB) | Flood 101 Background Material (pdf, 138 KB) | ASFPM Levees (pdf, 147 KB) | ASFPM NFIP (pdf, 154 KB) | FRM and Levees (pdf, 113 KB) | NFRMP Fact Sheet (pdf, 71.2 KB) | Silver Jackets Fact Sheet (pdf, 108 KB)

Participants will be presented with a draft FRM-SJ Brownbag Toolkit developed to assist participants in presenting a brownbag at their home District or Division. The Toolkit will include a recorded Senior Leadership message, draft flyer, draft tri-folds and a draft PowerPoint presentation to assist FRM PMs and SJ Coordinators in conducting meaningful discussions regarding the role and value of FRM and SJ with others in home Districts and Divisions. The group will discuss materials and provide facilitated feedback.

5:30 — 6:30 Silver Jackets Pilot Project Open House - Sim Suite Demonstration

Speaker: Dr. Steve Diaz, Deputy Director, USACE Readiness Support Center
Presentation (pdf, 3.27 MB) | Sim Suite FAQs (pdf, 1.16 MB)

The Sim Suite is a Simulation and Modeling/Common Ops GIS program that allows for near instant near and short term tactical decision making through its powerful ARC GIS viewer. Predictive modeling may be performed for numerous scenarios including floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and terrorist events.


6:00 — 9:00 ASFPM Certified Floodplain Manager Exam

Participants must register with ASFPM to take the exam.


Day Four: Thursday, August 18th

8:00 — 9:45 Plenary Presentation & Discussion: Silver Jackets — Many Agencies, Common Solutions

Silver Jackets team members will present key successes in reducing flood risk, innovative approaches, team building experiences, and other lessons learned. Ms. Dunn will briefly discuss next steps in the FY11 Silver Jackets Pilot Projects.

Moderator: Manuela Johnson, Indiana Department of Homeland Security


  1. Improving Coordinated Flood Preparedness and Response; Matthew Hunn (presenting), USACE-St. Louis District and Hank DeHaan, USACE-Rock Island District
    Presentation (pdf, 1.64 MB)
  2. A U.S. Geological Survey Flood Inundation Mapping Initiative; Scott Morlock, USGS
    Presentation (pdf, 5.64 MB)
  3. Flood Inundation Mapping — A case study in interagency collaboration;
    John Storm
    , USGS and Katy Breaux, USACE-Kansas City District
    Presentation (pdf, 1.65 MB)
  4. The Flood Risk Management Puzzle; How All the Pieces Came Together; Terry R. Zien, USACE-St. Paul District and Jennifer E. Nelson, MN Homeland Security and Emergency Management
    Presentation (pdf, 1.35 MB)
  5. Pennsylvania Silver Jackets — Coordination, Relationships and Outreach Tools; Stacey Underwood, USACE-Baltimore District and Tom Hughes, Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
    Presentation (pdf, 1.26 MB)
  6. FY11 Silver Jackets Pilot Projects; Jennifer Dunn, USACE-Institute for Water Resources
    Presentation (pdf, 981 KB)
10:15 — 12:00 Training Sessions
Track 1: Economics 101 for Flood Risk Managers

Instructor: Kurt Keilman, USACE-South Pacific Division
Presentation (pdf, 1.32 MB) | Handout (pdf, 769 KB)

This session will assist the participant in understanding the content and process for USACE economic evaluation, including benefit / cost ratios and the three other "accounts" and what they mean: social justice, environmental benefits, and regional benefits. It will also explain the difference between the Corps' process and FEMA's HAZUS so that you can engage effectively with communities and project sponsors.

Track 2: Facilitating Effective Floodplain Management Plans with Project Sponsors and Communities


Judy Soutiere, CFM, National Flood Risk Management Team, USACE-Institute for Water Resources
Presentation (pdf, 231 KB)

Kathleen Smith, HQ-FEMA
Presentation (pdf, 330 KB)

Bill Lesser, HQ-FEMA
Presentation (pdf, 5.66 MB)

Janice Rasgus, HQ-USACE
Presentation (pdf, 202 KB)

Handouts: Brush Creek Flood Management Plan (Draft) (pdf, 520 KB) | Mitigation Planning March 2010 (pdf, 568 KB) | Policy Guidance Letter (pdf, 23 KB) | Revised Policy Guidance Letter (pdf, 202 KB) | Scope of Work (pdf, 48 KB)

The requirement for floodplain management plans to be prepared for all USACE flood risk reduction projects has been around for years, however, very few have been completed. Now with the emphasis on developing the plans, what should one look like? What should be included? If it contained a planning ordinance, what should that ordinance say? How do we interface with FEMA's Community Rating System and the local mitigation planning requirements? This session will attempt to answer such questions, as well as provide some guidance for facilitating the development of a floodplain management plan in collaboration with sponsors and communities.

Track 3: FEMA Programs Overview: The National Flood Insurance Program, Mitigation Grants, and Levees


William Blanton, Risk Analysis Division, FEMA
Presentation (pdf, 1.98 MB)

Claude Hyacinthe, FEMA Region IV

Terry Lunn, Georgia Emergency Management Agency
Presentation (pdf, 2.49 MB)

Rachel Sears, Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration, FEMA

Handouts: CRS Fact Sheet (pdf, 576 KB) | HMA Grants Fact Sheet (pdf, 2.60 MB) | Myths and Facts about the NFIP (pdf, 332 KB) | New Levee Anaylses and Approaches Being Developed (pdf, 597 KB) | NFIP and Levees (pdf, 646 KB) | NFIP and Levees, Updated July 2011 (pdf, 157 KB) | PRP Community Factsheet (pdf, 260 KB) | Why We Map (pdf, 307 KB) | Zone A 99 Fact Sheet (pdf, 79.2 KB) | Zone AR Fact Sheet (pdf, 94 KB)

This session will cover National Flood Insurance Program basics - program framework including some of the technical and procedural elements of flood mapping, underlying flood insurance elements, and minimum federal floodplain management requirements. This session will also overview the five Mitigation Grant Programs (Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, Flood Mitigation Assistance Program, Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program, Repetitive Flood Claims Program, and Severe Repetitive Loss Program) and wrap up with a description of the ongoing challenges and opportunities regarding flood hazard mapping involving levees.

12:00 — 1:30 Lunch (on your Own, with Optional Water Investment Decision Tool Demonstration at 12:45)
12:45 — 1:30 Lunch Demonstration: Watershed Investment Decision Tool

Presenter: Guillermo Mendoza, USACE-Institute for Water Resources
Presentation (pdf, 1.47 MB)

Participants are invited to purchase a lunch and return to the ballroom for an overview of the Watershed Investment Decision Tool (follow-up to Silver Jacket pilot project proposals).

1:30 — 2:10 Plenary Presentation: Climate Change

Speakers: Dr. Kate White and Dr. Rolf Olsen (USACE-Institute for Water Resources), and Greg Karlovits (USACE-Rock Island District)
Presentation (pdf, 4.94 MB)

This session presents an overview of climate change and extreme events in the context of flood risk management. We'll cover the basics of climate change and variability, including potential changes to the intensity and frequency of extreme events, and USACE progress toward understanding and responding to climate change. We'll also have a district presentation on their climate change adaptation pilot projects addressing flow frequency analyses for a multipurpose reservoir in Iowa. Finally, next steps, including the results of a preliminary nationwide screening-level vulnerability assessment, will be presented, and followed by Q&A.

2:10 — 2:50 Plenary Presentation: USACE Levee Safety Portfolio Management

Speaker: Eric Halpin, Special Assistant for Dam and Levee Safety, HQ-USACE
Presentation (pdf, 1.28 MB)

The USACE Levee Safety Program is developing a new Engineering Circular which describes the USACE Levee Safety Portfolio Management and proposed Levee Safety Action Classification. This session will provide an overview of the proposed EC, as well as the role of Flood Risk Management and Silver Jackets teams in portfolio management, including risk communication and interim risk reduction measures.

3:05 — 4:45 Plenary and Small Group Discussions: Let's Do It: Applying What We've Learned

Facilitator: Linda Manning, President, Council Oak

A facilitated partnering session with all participants to identify strengths, opportunities and approaches for beneficial partnerships and risk-reducing activities, and strategies for meeting the continuing challenges we face. Discussion groups will be organized by state boundaries.

4:45 — 5:00 Closing Remarks:

Speaker: Alex Dornstauder, Director, USACE, National Flood Risk Management Program
Presentation (pdf, 2.59 MB)


Day Five: Friday, August 19th

8:00 — 12:00 Nashville Tour

Hosted by the City of Nashville, USACE Nashville District, and FEMA Region IV

In May of 2010, the metro Nashville area suffered extensive flooding, in which, the majority of the surrounding rivers experienced all-time record flood levels. This tour will focus on the recovery efforts of this flood event to showcase: (1) Smart Recovery-Building Back Better and Stronger; (2) Successful Projects-Where Prior Planning Efforts Realized Reduction in Loss , focusing on structural and non-structural measures; (3) Lessons Learned-Overcoming Obstacles to Improve Flood Risk Reduction; and (4) Local Stories from responders and neighborhood groups.