Flood Risk Management Program


2012 USACE Flood Risk Management & Silver Jackets Workshop

August 20-24, 2012
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

The 3rd annual U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Flood Risk Management and Silver Jackets workshop brought together more than 200 representatives, primarily from State and Federal government, to share information and experience in managing flood risk. This conference focused on integrating and leveraging programs to reduce flood risk. Sessions provided opportunities to share successes and challenges; learn about flood risk management programs and activities in other states and federal agencies; and further develop the knowledge and skills key to managing flood risks effectively.


The theme for the 2012 workshop is "Integrating People and Programs."

  • Demonstrate results and benefits of collaborative approaches across all levels of government to improve effectiveness and efficiency in managing flood risk and improving community resiliency;
  • Unify and refine approaches to communicating the nature and degree of flood risk in the context of shared and individual responsibility; with the purpose of effecting action at the individual, community, watershed, state and Federal levels; and
  • Refine approaches to providing federal government services in a more coordinated, effective manner, with a focus on local and state priorities.
Workshop Highlights
  • CFM training session and exam
  • Understanding the 2011 Pennsylvania Floods Experience
  • Communicating Risk
  • Efforts, Updates & Experiences with Mapping Tools
  • Mitigation & Mitigation Planning
  • Tools for Flood Risk Management
  • Training Sessions
  • Continuing Education Credits with the Association of State Floodplain Managers
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