Inside the IWUB


Inland Waterways Users Board

About the Inland Waterways Users Board

The Inland Waterways Users Board is an industry Federal advisory committee established by Section 302 of Public Law 99-662.  The eleven member Board represents all geographic areas on the fuel-taxed inland waterways system of the United States.  The composition of the Board also reflects a balanced industry focus, including shopper and carrier members from companies of different sizes and specializing in the transport of different commodities.


The Board’s purpose is to make recommendations to the Congress and the Secretary of the Army on the priorities and spending from the Inland Waterways Trust Fund for construction and rehabilitation projects on the fuel-taxed system.  Such recommendations reflect the independent judgment of the Board and are reflected in an annual report made to the Secretary of the Army and the Congress. The Board typically meets three times a year to  accomplish its business, with the meetings open to the public.


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is the proponent for the Board.  The Deputy Commanding General for Civil Works and Emergency Operations is the Deputy Commanding Gen.  The Corps Headquarters also provides the Executive Secretary to the Board.  The Corps’ Institute for Water Resources in Alexandria, Virginia provides the Executive Assistant and other subject matter specialists that support the authorized activities of the Board.


The final reports of the Inland Marine Transportation System Investment Strategy Team is available at the following links:

Capital Investment Strategy (CIS) of 2020

Capital Investment Strategy (CIS) of 2016

Inland Marine Transportation System Capital Projects Business Model Report (IMTS CPBM) 2010