The Sustainable Rivers Project proactively improves environmental health by changing reservoir operations to benefit natural communities. Modifying operations to include environmental needs with authorized project purposes is an effective way to restore, protect and sustain river habitats.
Healthy environments support healthy economies through increased tourism, recreation and flood protection. These effects benefit the communities near rivers and encourage people to work together towards multiple goals. The Sustainable Rivers Program serves the Nation by pursuing these improvements at sites across the United States.
The Corps and Conservancy are making progress at SRP sites around the nation. To date, environmental flows have been defined at six of the eight SRP sites. Experimental releases of water based on environmental flow recommendations have taken place at five sites and serve as a way to validate the recommendations. Monitoring the plants, animals and geologic characteristics of rivers - both before and after environmental flows are released from reservoirs - is helping scientists and water managers evaluate the effects of re-operations and determine if ecological goals are being achieved. Partners from universities, non-governmental organizations, and Federal, state and local agencies continue to make invaluable contributions to these efforts.