In the late 1990s, IWR began assisting in the drafting of the Civil Works (CW) Strategic Plan. This plan charted a course for the future direction of the Civil Works Program. IWR worked closely with Corps Headquarters during the multi-year development effort.
IWR personnel examined emerging water resources needs and challenges. In 2000, the Institute sponsored sixteen “Listening Sessions” around the United States to gather public input. IWR led the development of the plan, which was circulated publicly in draft form in 2002 and released in its final version in March 2004. The plan provided guidance for the Civil Works Program for a five-year period, from Fiscal Year 2004 to Fiscal Year 2009.
The Civil Works Strategic Plan aimed to focus the Civil Works Program on a “watershed” planning approach of integrated water resources management (IWRM). The goals laid out in the plan were based on a systems approach to IWRM. The plan recognized that while the traditional water resources missions of the Civil Works Program remain vital, contemporary challenges will require a collaborative, holistic approach to water resources issues. After the Strategic Plan was released, IWR continued to assist with its communication and implementation across the Corps.