The Colorado State University (CSU) International School for Water Resources (ISWR), Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (CEE) and IWR signed a Memorandum of Understanding recognizing their mutual interests in promoting collaboration with national and international organizations and in fostering the improvement of Integrated Water Resources Management practices globally.
About the Memorandum of Understanding
Signed: January 7, 2008
Signing Parties
- Luis A. Garcia, Chair (CEE/CSU)
- Robert A. Pietrowsky, Director (IWR)
Purpose: Colorado State University and IWR intend to collaborate with national and international organizations in fostering the improvement of Integrated Water Resources Management practices and in encouraging the development and management of more economical, efficient, socially and environmentally sound water resources systems.
Terms: The Parties are especially interested in pursuing cooperative opportunities in the following areas of common interest:
- Enhancing procedures and methods for Integrated Water Resources Management
- Adaptation to global climate changes and their impacts on water resources
- Methods for understanding and managing extreme hydrological events and related natural hazards and disaster preparedness
- Infrastructure development and water security
- Multicriterion decision analysis (MCDA) and implementation of decision support system (DSS) in the context of risk analysis and vulnerability assessment
- Water policy and institutional aspects of watershed management
- Transboundary water resources and questions of hydrodiplomacy
- Capacity building and joint training and education in order to enhance competency in the various themes of the partnership
- Consensus building, conflict management, and alternative dispute resolution
- Aridity, drought and desertification as special planning and management areas
- Dependable and safe drinking water and irrigation as well as expansion of water supplies through efficiency, reuse and better management
- Surface and groundwater, conjunctive water use and related challenges of water quality
About Colorado State University International School for Water Resources
The International School for Water Resources (ISWR) is a program within the Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Colorado State University. Colorado State University has the institutional capacity and the faculty expertise for a world-class presence in Integrated Water Resources Management, especially in the context of a broader framework of cooperating institutions. Target audiences for ISWR are undergraduate and graduate students at CSU, national and international water professionals needing additional education to keep their skills current and water user organizations needing skills to address future water issues. The CSU/CEE Department has a long list of alumni who excel in water resources planning and management all over the world.
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