

University of New Hampshire, Water Systems Analysis Group of the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space

The University of New Hampshire's Water Systems Analysis Group (WSAG) and IWR signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to enhance their cooperation in areas related to global water science. This partnership will encourage the understanding of water resources issues on a global scale and emphasize technological improvements in water resources management.

About the Memorandum of Understanding

Signed: September 14, 2007

Signing Parties

  • Berrien Moore III , Professor and Director, Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space (University of New Hampshire)
  • Charles J. Vorosmarty, Professor and Director, Water Systems Analysis Group, Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space (University of New Hampshire)
  • Robert A. Pietrowsky , Director (IWR)

Purpose: This partnership aims to facilitate cooperation in global water science, integrated water resources management, interdisciplinary scientific research and capacity building, particularly for developing/emerging countries and post-disaster nations/regions.

Terms: The Parties are especially interested in jointly pursuing opportunities in:

  • Integrated water resources management and sustainable development
  • Infrastructure development, adaptive management and adaptation to global warming
  • Hydrologic, socio-economic and risk analysis of extreme events
  • Geospatial analysis and advanced application of GIS systems and integrative systems modeling
  • Linking high technology and remote sensing information with hydrologic, socio-economic and ecological information for analysis of current and future water challenges
  • Comprehensive monitoring and early warning systems for emerging water problems
  • Application of state-of-the-art technology from the Earth Systems science community for improved world-wide water resources assessment
  • Development of actionable IWRM indicators to inform regional, national, continental and global water assessments
  • Identification of water information gaps and development of strategies to address data needs
  • Science implications to policy, governance, and institutional aspects of water management
  • Promoting capacity development and advancing education/training methods and systems
  • Water security, including within the context of IHP-VII and the Millennium Development Goals
  • Effects of climate change on water resources at global, continental and regional scales
  • Providing scientific peer-review services and student/scientific exchanges
About the Water Systems Analysis Group

The University of New Hampshire's Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space is committed to understanding the Earth as an integrative system. The fundamental goal of the Water Systems Analysis Group (WSAG) is to act as a formal, active research and advanced training unit within the Institute.

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