The Florida International University (FIU) and IWR signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that builds upon their common interests in integrated water resources management, scientific research and capacity-building for developing countries and countries in transition.
About the Memorandum of Understanding
Signed: January 12, 2010
Signing Parties
- Roberto Gutierrez, Director, Pre-Award, Office of Sponsored Research Administration (FIU)
- Robert A. Pietrowsky, Director (IWR)
Purpose: A collaboration that will yield benefits to each party's water resources management, scientific and capacity-building missions through mutual cooperation and joint activities when consistent with the policies, goals and laws governing each party.
Terms: The Parties are especially interested in jointly pursuing opportunities in:
- Integrated water resources management, sustainable development in terrestrial and coastal wetlands
- Infrastructure development and related engineering design standards and procedures
- Hydrologic analysis, risk analysis and systems analysis modeling tools
- Flood control, mud and debris flow
- Environmental restoration, ecohydrologic analysis and water quality improvements
- Consensus building and conflict resolution
- Water policy, governance and institutional aspects
- Water policy, governance and institutional aspects
- Capacity Building and training
- Educational methods and systems
About Florida International University
Florida International University hosts two programs in which collaboration is envisioned. GLOWS is a consortium financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and led by FIU; it works to increase social, economic, and environmental benefits to people of the developing world through clean water, healthy aquatic ecosystems and sustainable water resources management. WaterSCAPES is a NASA Group 4 University Research Center based at FIU; it focuses on research and education activities centered on the coupled interaction between the hydrologic cycle and vegetation dynamics. Its work will be performed on the Everglades of South Florida and the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve in the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico.
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