

National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA)

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) and IWR signed an interagency agreement to collaborate in the performance of natural resources and watershed management.

About the Interagency Agreement

Signed: July 28, 2010

Signing Parties

  • Robert A. Pietrowsky, Director (IWR)
  • Dr. Ralph A. Otto, Deputy Director (NIFA)

Purpose: The agreement is part of IWR's efforts to strengthen collaboration with other Federal agencies and universities for addressing water resource management issues, both domestically and internationally, and will enable IWR to work with researchers from land-grant universities and all partner organizations of NIFA.

The agreement is part of IWR's efforts to strengthen collaboration with other Federal agencies and universities for addressing water resource management issues, both domestically and internationally, and will enable IWR to work with researchers from land-grant universities and all partner organizations of NIFA.

Terms: This interagency agreement provides a framework for activities of mutual interest in the performance of natural resources and watershed management assessments, including:

  • Coordination of Water resources development projects
  • NIFA coordination of activities with mutually agreed upon universities
  • Performance of natural resources and watershed management assessments by universities cooperatively through NIFA
  • Facilitation by NIFA of ongoing research of importance to its cooperating institutions
  • More accurate assessment of natural resources and watershed management at existing Corps projects  through the performance of assessments designed to develop tools to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of water resource planning and management activities
About National Institute of Food and Agriculture

NIFA is the main Federal partner with land-grant universities nationwide and is also the primary agency for the coordination of agricultural and related research in the State Agricultural Experiment Stations and forestry schools. NIFA's unique mission is to advance knowledge for agriculture, the environment, human health and well-being, and communities by supporting research, education and extension programs with all partner organizations.

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