The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and The Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management of the Netherlands, Directorate General Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) are both responsible for understanding water management issues in their respective countries. They signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to facilitate the sharing of information and expertise that will benefit the civil works capabilities of both organizations. IWR plays a role in the implementation of this agreement.
About the Memorandum of Agreement
Signed: May 25, 2004
Signing Parties:
- Bert Keijts, Director General (RWS)
- John Paul Woodley, Jr., Assistant Secretary of the Army (USACE)
Purpose: This partnership aims to promote and facilitate collaborative efforts that benefit the integrated water resources management policies of both countries. The partners will cooperate in research, development, testing, evaluation and information exchange.
Terms: The Parties may work jointly in the following activities:
- Collaboration in research, development, testing, and evaluation
- Exchange of technical information
- Flood control and water resources management policies
- Flood plain management
- Dredging
- Navigation
- Configuration of systems for flood control and water control management using advanced technologies
- River engineering technologies
- Water policy issues
- Preservation of river environments and wetlands and habitat evaluation
- Economic evaluation of the policies for flood control, water resources management, environmental protection and restoration, and recreation
- Salt water intrusion
- Coastal management planning
- Consensus building in the community
- Flood fighting
- River basins level management
- Communication of risks with the public and media
- Ecological design
- Sedimentation
- Environmental engineering
- Flood plain modeling
- Levee design and protection
- Disposal of contaminated material
- Coastal erosion
- Public water policy
- Dune restoration
- Beach nourishment
About Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management of the Netherlands (RWS)
This ministry of the government of the Netherlands is responsible for improving civil works capabilities in all aspects of water management.
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