Container Model Suite


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The Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center (WCSC) Data Analysis and Pre-Processor (W-DAPP), designed in concert with WCSC, provides planners with direct access to WCSC vessel data for a set of user-specified docks via a visual interface through Google Earth.  Once the user identifies docks at a port for which information is to be acquired, the information is brought down to the user desktop and stored in a local database in formats that replicate WCSC formats and structures.  A wide variety of information is available, as well as statistical analysis capabilities.  In conjunction with the A-DAPP, W-DAPP generates historic vessel call lists for use with HarborSym.

The W-DAPP extracts the WCSC data collected by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer, processes that information, and exports it in the form of a port call list that can be used by the Institute for Water Resources‘ (IWR) HarborSym model for deep draft navigation analyses. W-DAPP provides analysts the ability to directly obtain WCSC data that can be readily used, thus reducing the analysis time and the number of requests the WCSC team receives to extract and compile the data.

W-DAPP extracts the WCSC data for the timeframe and the port selected and presents the extracted data to users for evaluation and review. W-DAPP also provides users with an opportunity to combine the Automatic Identification System (AIS) data from the AIS Data Analysis and Pre-Processor (A-DAPP), when available, with the WCSC data to add arrival dates/times, arrival drafts, vessel call route groups, and services to the port call list. AIS is an automated tracking system that captures the location, time, and draft of vessels. This information is automatically transmitted in regular intervals and recorded in the Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) system. The Corps has purchased the AIS data one year at a time, when possible, and has made them available for use in deep draft navigation analyses.

Additionally, W-DAPP facilitates further processing of the WCSC data to develop a historic port call list that can be exported, reviewed, and adapted for import into the HarborSym application. HarborSym uses a port call list to review how traffic moves within a port and provides users with useful statistics such as the average time a vessel spends in a port, the average time a vessel spends at a dock, and the average waiting time under specific port traffic conditions. The statistics obtained from HarborSym can be used for comparing project alternatives. The historic port call lists from the W-DAPP can also be used to develop forecasted call lists for evaluating future port conditions. Port and vessel information extracted from the WCSC data warehouse are key data elements used to gauge the potential future impact of completing a channel expansion project.

The latest release of W-DAPP, released December 2013, is available for download.

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W-DAPP Software

Installation procedures for this toolset vary slightly depending on the version of Windows operating system (64 or 32 bit). Please reference the user guide below for detailed system requirements and installation instructions. Variations of these instructions depending on 32 or 64 bit operating system are provided as they arise.

The HarborSym team would be happy to assist you with any issues or questions you may have. Please contact us if you would like to discuss your particular planning needs.

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User Documentation

This document is descriptive of version and includes details on the latest W-DAPP functionality.