Inside the IWUB

Inland Waterways Users Board

List of Presentations at Inland Waterways Users Board Meeting #72
Walla Walla, Washington

Inland Waterways Users Board Meeting No. 72 - Financial Report and Project Summaries

By Mr. Jon Soderberg
USACE Headquarters

Olmsted Locks and Dam

By Mr. David Dale
USACE Great Lakes and Ohio River Division

Locks and Dams 2, 3 and 4, Monongahela River, PA (Lower Mon Project)

By Mr. David Dale
USACE Great Lakes and Ohio River Division

Water Resources Reform and Development Act 2014

By Mr. Jeffrey McKee
USACE Headquarters

Total Risk Exposure – Update and Exposure

By Mr. James Hannon
USACE Headquarters

Inland Marine Transportation System (IMTS) Investment Program Action Team (IPAT) Briefing

By Mr. Kareem El-Naggar
USACE Great Lakes and Ohio River Division

Navigation FY 2014 Workplan and FY 2015 Budget

By Mr. Jeffrey McKee
USACE Headquarters

FY 14 and FY 15 Lock Closures

By Mr. Jeffrey McKee
USACE Headquarters