Tales of the Coast
Corps and the Coast


Wetland Ecosystem Restoration

Over a third of all federally listed rare and endangered species live in or depend upon wetlands. Wetlands also help control flooding, improve water quality and serve as rest stops for migratory birds.

Through the development of new projects, the operation of existing programs, and its regulatory program, the Corps plays a central role in:

  • Protecting and preserving existing wetlands
  • Restoring degraded wetlands
  • Creating new wetlands and
  • Enhancing the quality of wetlands.

The Corps is the steward of 12 million acres of lands and waters, including numerous wetland areas across the Nation that provide habitat for fish and wildlife. As a Federal agency with permitting responsibilities for dredge and fill operations, the Corps is also capable of beneficially using dredged material for wetland creation and restoration purposes. Much of the Corps environmental efforts are therefore dedicated to protecting and enhancing vital wetland ecosystems.

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Vic Fazio Yolo Wildlife Area

Located in the Central Valley of California, between Davis and Sacramento, the Vic Fazio Yolo Wildlife Area is a 16,000-acre habitat restoration project. It contains 3,700 acres of restored wetlands, including permanent wetlands that are inundated year round and seasonal wetlands that periodically flood and dry out as conditions change. Riparian forests, next to ponds and streams, and grasslands are also found throughout the wildlife area, resulting in a rich tapestry of habitats. This area is a critical location along the Pacific Flyway, and it hosts a variety of migratory birds, waterfowl and songbirds, as well as reptiles, mammals and a diversity of plant life.

The Corps is proud to be one of the major partners in the creation and restoration of the Vic Fazio Yolo Wildlife Area, which was dedicated by President Bill Clinton in 1997. The Corps helped to build ponds and establish riparian forests and other habitat areas. The Vic Fazio Yolo Wildlife Area now supports millions of migratory birds and is the largest wetland restoration project of its kind in the western United States.

Assateague Salt Marsh

Assateague Salt Marsh
Source: National Park Service

Wetland Ecosystem Restoration

No Net Loss: Corps efforts make vital contributions to the national goal of no overall net-loss of wetlands. Over time, it is hoped they will contribute to gains in wetlands.

Interconnected Projects

The Vic Fazio Yolo Wildlife Area is located within the Yolo Bypass, a crucial flood control structure that carries overflow from the Sacramento River. The wildlife area aids in flood control while avoiding impacts to the surrounding agricultural lands, demonstrating how economic, environmental and public safety benefits can be derived from interconnected efforts.