Shared Vision Planning


The Shared Vision Planning Method

The Shared Vision Planning approach employs a specific method for creating collaborative discussions and computer models. Anyone wishing to engage in Shared Vision Planning can follow these steps to enact this approach to resource management.

The first five steps are performed iteratively; that is, the sequence of steps is repeated as more information becomes available for evaluation.

For each step we give a brief description, the differences between Shared Vision Planning and traditional planning, and a link to a more detailed description from the National Drought Study.

Step 1 — Build a Team and Identify Problems with Stakeholders, Decision-Makers and Experts.

Step 2 — Develop Objectives and Metrics for Evaluation.

Step 3 — Describe the Status Quo Using a Collaboratively Built Model.

Step 4 — Collaboratively Formulate Alternatives Using the Model.

Step 5 — Collaboratively Evaluate Alternatives and Develop Team Recommendations Using the Model.

Step 6 — Implement and Institutionalize the Plan.

Step 7 — Exercise and Update the Plan.

The National Drought Study

The IWR Report Managing Water for Drought is known as the National Drought Study (NDS) throughout this web site. Its seven steps provide the framework from which Shared Vision Planning has evolved. Each step of the Shared Vision Planning Method above is further illustrated by an example from the National Drought Study. On these pages are excerpts from the study and a link to the full report (pdf, 1.57 MB).

The Fairweather Demonstration

This step-by-step demonstration is a hypothetical Shared Vision Planning and modeling case study designed by Dr. Richard Palmer, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington. Use this tool to practice organizing and leading a Shared Vision Planning effort.

Fairweather Demo