Meeting Participants tour Bonneville Lock and Dam.
New Gate at the John Day Lock and Dam
ALEXANDRIA, VA – July 8, 2011. PIANC Working Group 139 (Values of Inland Waterways) and the Coasts, Oceans, Ports and Rivers Institute of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE/COPRI) Waterways Committee held meetings and a technical tour June 27-29, in Portland, Oregon. The groups decided to co-locate the meetings in order to share expenses and knowledge through networking and technical exchange.
On Monday, the groups took a tour to the Bonneville Lock and Dam and the John Day Lock and Dam, hosted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Portland District. The participants particularly enjoyed seeing the fish ladders and hatchery, as well as the new gate at the John Day. It was a great opportunity to visit impressive examples of Corps inland navigation facilities and to view first-hand the extensive protective measures that enhance fish migration and survival on the Columbia River.
More about PIANC Working Group 139
The PIANC working group consists of members representing Germany, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Argentina, Egypt and the U.S. IWR’s David Grier is the U.S. representative. The working group continues to draft the report on the Value of Inland Waterways, and their next meeting is tentatively planned for October. You can keep up-to-date on working group activities at the PIANC USA website. The point of contact for PIANC Working Group 139 is David Grier.
More about ASCE/COPRI Waterways Committee
The ASCE Waterways Committee is co-chaired by IWR’s Robert Pietrowsky, Director, and Kelly Barnes. It consists of members from USACE, industry (Moffatt-Nichol, MWH), and academia (Mississippi State University, Stevens Institute, University of Maryland). The committee promotes navigation engineering by writing peer-reviewed technical manuals and organizing conferences and workshops. The point of contact for the ASCE/COPRI Waterways Committee is Kelly Barnes.
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