
Planning Associates Program: Growing as leaders, Serving with Integrity, Planning Solutions

Growing as leaders, Serving with Integrity,
Planning Solutions

The Planning Associates Class of 2013 completed a week-long course on flood risk management.   The course covered all aspects of planning for a flood risk management study and discussed the framework for the evaluation of risk.  The class examined elements of inundation, including hazard, performance, exposure, vulnerability and consequence.


The class learned about how the dam and levee safety projects are planned to evaluate these types of risk nationwide, a reoccurring theme throughout the year.   A field trip was made to the Natomas River Basin.  The risk to loss of life and dollar damage to structures from potential flooding were examined, and non-structural alternatives during planning studies were considered.

Planning associate Courtney Reed, an Economist from the New Orleans District, New Orleans, Louisiana, contributed to this story.

Courtney Reed, an Economist from the New Orleans District, New Orleans, Louisiana, contributed to this story.