
Planning Associates Program: Growing as leaders, Serving with Integrity, Planning Solutions

Growing as leaders, Serving with Integrity,
Planning Solutions

The Planning Associates class spent three days in Philadelphia, PA preparing dry-run presentations of their critical thinking products that were presented at USACE Headquarters in September.

Team Delta (Sara Brodzinsky, LRC; Janet Cote, NAO; Andrew Roach, NAB; and Thomas Topi, NWK) presented on the inclusion of water quality in the USACE Planning Process. Team Phoenix (Travis Creel, MVN; Rachel Mesko, NWS; Byron Rupp, NAE; and Sierra Schroeder, MVP) presented on incorporating qualitative and quantitative concepts of resilience into the Planning Process. SM∆RT Team (Marci Jackson, SPK; Tom Maier, LRP; Jason Norris, and Courtney Reed) presented on an alternative model for cost-sharing operations and maintenance activities at the nation’s ports. 

Senior planners from Headquarters and IWR offered the teams feedback that will be incorporated into September’s presentations.

Planning associate Thomas Topi, an Economist from the Kansas City District, Kansas City, Missouri, contributed to this story.

Thomas Topi, an Economist from the Kansas City District, Kansas City, Missouri, contributed to this story.