The 2013 Planning Associates class wrapped up the 2013 program in Washington, DC presenting their “critical think pieces” to USACE senior leaders. These presentations emphasize critical thinking and the application of knowledge garnered during the 2013 Planning Associates course. The class also participated in an awards ceremony at USACE Headquarters on September 10, 2013.
Team Delta (Sara Brodzinsky, LRC; Janet Cote, NAO; Andrew Roach, NAB; and Thomas Topi, NWK) presented on the inclusion of water quality in the USACE Planning Process, Team Phoenix (Travis Creel, MVN; Rachel Mesko, NWS; Byron Rupp, NAE; and Sierra Schroeder, MVP) recommended techniques to incorporate concepts of resilience into the USACE Planning Process, and SM∆RT Team (Marci Jackson, SPK; Tom Maier, LRP; Jason Norris, POA; and Courtney Reed, MVN) presented on an alternative model for cost-sharing operations and maintenance activities at the nation’s ports.