Silver Jackets: Many Partners, One team


Many Partners, One Team


For More Information Contact

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Savannah District, Email, 912-652-5375

Georgia Silver Jackets


Establish and strengthen intergovernmental partnerships that result in comprehensive and sustainable solutions to Georgia’s flood hazards.


Through an intergovernmental team of state and Federal agencies, a collaborative process will:

  • Facilitate strategic, integrated life-cycle mitigation actions to reduce the threat, vulnerability and consequences of flooding in the State of Georgia;
  • Create or supplement a mechanism to collaboratively solve issues and implement or recommend solutions;
  • Identify and implement ways to leverage available resources and information among agencies;
  • Increase and improve flood risk communication and outreach;
  • Inform the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District Commander and State-level agency directors during response and recovery activities; and
  • Integrate mitigation into recovery actions.

Team Activities

Georgia Coastal Resilience Workshop

The Georgia Coastal Resilience Workshop covered subjects such as sea level, economic risk assessment, stormwater adaptation, coastal flooding data trends, FEMA flood map updates, and nature-based solutions, amongst others. Through shared instruction, the workshop successfully communicated how these tools can be used to assess, communicate, and address risk to Georgia communities posed by coastal storms and sea level.

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Flood Inundation Mapping & Community Outreach

The Georgia Silver Jackets team has created multiple partnerships with communities to prepare libraries of flood inundation maps. The detailed maps show the predicted area and depth of flooding in near real-time at selected sites with forecast point gages. These maps use high-resolution digital elevation data, including LiDAR, and hydrodynamic modeling. The composite of flood maps are displayed on an interactive viewer on the NWS Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service website for all to see.

Floodplain Vulnerability Analysis

The Georgia Silver Jackets Team is assisting Augusta/Richmond County, GA in reducing the risk of loss of life and damages to property along the Rocky Creek within the Hyde Park and Aragon Park subdivisions. The analysis provides information about properties vulnerable to flooding.

Risk Communication & the Macon Levee Flood Risk Management Project

The Macon levee system protects 2,900 acres of the City of Macon consisting of commercial, industrial, municipal, and agricultural properties. The area protected is flat and poorly drained. This project is an opportunity to enhance communications, collaboration, and relationships among the different federal, state, city, and county agencies regarding flood risk reduction. It will also provide an opportunity to develop a process for each agency to share their data and information and provide resources in their area of expertise.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers supports state-led Silver Jackets Teams through its Flood Risk Management Program.