Silver Jackets: Many Partners, One team


Many Partners, One Team


For More Information Contact

California Department of Water Resources, Email

California Silver Jackets, California DWR website.

California Silver Jackets

The California Silver Jackets team brings together federal, state, and regional/local agencies to focus on the State's priorities for flood risk management. The program is led by the California Department of Water Resources (CA DWR) and empowered and supported by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). A formal team charter was signed in September 2016. More information can be found on the California Silver Jackets team accomplishments, here.

Expand List item 30246Collapse List item 30246  VISION STATEMENT

The California Silver Jackets will reduce flood risk in California through increased communication, coordination, collaboration, and cooperation among federal, state, and local agencies.

Expand List item 30245Collapse List item 30245  MISSION STATEMENT

To establish an interagency approach for sharing knowledge and leverage agency resources to plan and recommend the implementation of measures that will reduce risk to communities affected by flood hazard events.

Expand List item 30244Collapse List item 30244  GOALS
  • Reduce flood risk using an integrated water management approach to structural and non structural solutions that enhances public safety, promotes environmental stewardship, and fosters economic stability.
  • Ensure continuous planning, mitigation, response and recovery collaboration.
  • Provide a forum for examining the full spectrum of flood risk management solutions, including non-structural solutions.
  • Learn about federal, state, and local programs related to flood risk management. Identify limitations and opportunities, roles and responsibilities, and potential for program collaboration to create integrated, comprehensive and sustainable solutions. Minimize duplication of effort and ensure consistency.
  • Create a multi-agency technical resource team for state and local agencies.
  • Understand the link between state and local hazard mitigation plans and actions.
  • Provide a central resource of coordination with federal, state, and local agencies and to transfer successful strategies to others not part of the CA Silver Jackets team.
  • Collaboratively develop and deliver unified flood risk outreach, using common vocabulary and messages to educate the public and advise local governments about flood risk, while acknowledging that there are regional and cultural differences.
  • Improve internal and external flood risk communication.
  • Identify and facilitate improvements to existing programs, policies and processes.
  • Discuss and share information on past, present and future initiatives.


Team Activities

Watershed University LogoWatershed University

Led by the California Silver Jackets, Watershed University is a free webinar series that provides education and networking opportunities for California professionals in floodplain management, water/water resources management, emergency management, and related fields. Topics typically focus on flood risk reduction. More information can be found online at: Watershed University (


After Wildfire: A Guide for California Communities cover pageAfter Wildfire: A Guide for California Communities (2019):

The After Wildfire Guide is an interagency response to requests from fire-affected communities for a single, consolidated resource that can help them recover from a wildfire and plan for post-wildfire hazards.




Flood After Fire California Toolkit cover pageFlood After Fire California Toolkit (2020)

The Flood After Fire California Toolkit is a collection of tools, methods, and other resources – grouped into chronologically distinct periods of a flood after fire response timeline – to help assess the risks associated with flooding and debris flow after a fire. It includes appendices and case studies.

Flood After Fire California Toolkit Resources



Current and Upcoming Projects (2023-2024)

Paynes Creek H&H Study, Tehama County, California (2023-2024)

Paynes Creek H&H Study slide

As part of a Silver Jackets effort, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is conducting a flood risk H&H assessment for the remote community of Paynes Creek in Tehama County, CA. As the project partner, Tehama County is poised to take action to reduce flood risk within Paynes Creek based on results of hydraulic modeling. The expectation is to work closely with CA Department of Water Resources, CAL OES, CALFIRE, Tehama County, USGS, and FEMA to identify ways to alleviate flooding issues for the Paynes Creek community, and use the partnerships and lessons learned to serve additional communities that are facing similarly dire flooding problems.

San Joaquin Nonstructural Workshops (2023-2024)

San Joaquin Valley Nonstructural Flood Risk Mitigation July 24 slide

On 24 JUL 2023, as part of the San Joaquin Nonstructural Flood Risk Workshops project, the Nonstructural Flood Risk Mitigation Options Public Workshop for the San Joaquin Valley took place in Grayson, CA. Presenters from National Weather Service, USACE, DWR, River Partners, City of Modesto, Department of Transportation, and Stanislaus County discussed ways to manage flood risk in the San Joaquin Valley. Following this public workshop, a workshop for San Joaquin Valley Policy Makers was held in Modesto, Ca on 25 July 2023.

San Joaquin Valley Nonstructural Workshop July 25

On 25JUL23, as a part of the San Joaquin Nonstructural Flood Risk Workshops project, a Nonstructural Flood Risk Mitigation Options Workshop was held for San Joaquin Valley Policy Makers in Modesto, CA to discuss ways to manage flood risk in the San Joaquin Valley. The workshop and River Partners site visit was well attended and well received by partners and policy makers.

CA San Joaquin Valley Tabletop Exercise (2024)

The goal of this project is to identify data and coordination gaps, and brainstorm how each of the three regions that make up the San Joaquin Valley could support each other during a flood emergency. This project will build upon the 2020 CA Emergency Response Exercise project, which worked to address communication challenges identified during previous high-water events. This project would support the facilitation of a tabletop exercise for the San Joaquin Valley.

CA Emergency Planning (2024)

This goal of this project is to bring together Federal, state, and local stakeholders from the social services, affordable housing, floodplain management, and emergency response communities for a series of workshops focused on the Greater Sacramento area and San Diego County. This project will include workshops with involved agencies, providing cross-training of social services resources for levee maintaining agencies while discussing the current conditions, current and proposed actions, and recommendations for future management of the system. Additionally, this project will build critical relationships with local organizations that can support future USACE efforts.

Tribal Emergency Management and Floodplain Management Workshops (2024)

These workshops will focus on floodplain ecosystems, emergency response planning and resources, nonstructural tools and strategies, and a potential site visit of flooding issues on Tribal lands within the Sacramento District.  The workshops will also provide information on support and funding available for flooding preparation and response activities through USACE and partner agencies. Workshops would be focused on California, Nevada, and Utah Tribes where recent flooding has occurred.  Funding will support the development of materials for the workshop and general outreach efforts for Tribes.  These would build on relationships developed from previous workshop efforts before the pandemic occurred. 

California Silver Jackets logo

Participating Agencies




  • Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency (SAFCA)
  • San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency (SJAFCA)
  • West Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency (WSAFCA)
  • Bay Area Flood Protection Agencies Association (BAFPPA)
  • Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency (SBFCA)
  • Coalition of 7 Southern California Counties

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers supports state-led Silver Jackets Teams through its Flood Risk Management Program.