Team Activities
Flood Inundation Mapping – Roanoke River, Upper Roanoke Valley, Virginia
Initiated in 2019, this interagency effort involves developing a steady flow HEC-RAS model to show the extent of flooding expected spatially over a given area, with estimated flood depths over a range of flood stages, generally at one-foot intervals for the NOAA-NWS-defined “Action” stage up to the flood of record. The resulting maps will indicate when and the level of severity that floodwaters may impact roadways, streets, buildings, airports, and other infrastructure. NOAA-NWS, USGS, USACE and Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation are partners on this effort that is anticipated to be completed in 2022.
Flood Inundation Mapping – Blackwater River, Franklin, Virginia
Initiated in 2016, this interagency effort developed an unsteady flow HEC-RAS model to help forecast total water levels for combined coastal storm tide and riverine events. The model was used to create a Flood Inundation Map Library displayed on the National Weather Service's Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service website, showing the possible extent of flooding from low stage events up to and above the flood of record (Hurricane Floyd, September 1999), at USGS gage 02050000. The flood inundation mapping will benefit the cities of Franklin and Suffolk and the counties of Isle of Wight and Southampton. Partners, including NOAA-NWS, USGS, USACE, Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, and Virginia Department of Emergency Management, completed the effort in August 2019.
Hurricane Agnes High Water Mark – City of Richmond, Virginia
Photo Credits: Patrick Bloodgood
Photo Credits: Library of Virginia
On the 44th anniversary of the historic flood resulting from precipitation from Hurricane Agnes, the City of Richmond and the Virginia Silver Jackets Team held a ceremony unveiling a high water mark sign in Pony Pasture Rapids Park. The record of flood at the park stands 13 feet above the parking lot. The unveiling event, supported through a FY16 Interagency Silver Jackets Project Proposal, was the result of an eight month effort and includes two additional signs installed in Great Shiplock Park and Brown's Island. Each location was selected because of high visibility to the public, the opportunity to use public land and the ability to mount signs to existing structures.
Brochure for the Hurricane Agnes and Sign Unveiling Ceremony