Team Activities
West Columbus Flood Risk Management Tabletop Exercise
This interagency project will focus on conducting a tabletop exercise with multiple entities to address preparedness and response concerns during an event associated with the West Columbus Local Protection Project in Franklin County, Ohio.
South Licking Watershed Logjam Inundation Analysis
This interagency effort will conduct an inundation analysis of logjams in the South Licking Watershed focusing on the Racoon Creek debris fields. The outcome of the project will facilitate prioritization for removal of logjams by max benefit to reduce flood risk. This project is ongoing and scheduled for completion in December 2022.
Franklin-Carlisle Flood Inundation Mapping
This interagency effort will develop hydraulic modeling and flood inundation map datasets to protect lives and property from the risk of flooding in the Franklin & Carlisle area. This project is ongoing and scheduled for completion in September 2022.
Lake Erie Tabletop Exercise
This interagency effort will conduct a tabletop exercise in Port Clinton, Ottawa County, Ohio where a Lake Erie flood event will be simulated. The outcome will identify actions for improved response and to promote shared responsibility. Exercise is anticipated to be conducted in April 2022.
Massillon, Ohio Flood Risk Tabletop Exercise
The Silver Jackets team assisted with an Interagency Levee Safety Tabletop Exercise along with the City of Massillon, Ohio on December 11, 2020. The exercise was limited to the area in and around Massillon, Ohio. The scenario involved a progressively worsening flood that occurs in the region. The purpose of the tabletop exercise was to facilitate a discussion-based session with stakeholders to examine roles during an emergency and their response to a major flood simulation. Improving safety, mitigating risks and identifying areas of potential improvement within local community’s emergency management plans and procedures, inspiring relationships and enhancing efficient interagency communication at the local, State, and Federal levels, and identifying roles, responsibilities, and duties related to natural disaster planning and response are goals of the tabletop exercise.