Silver Jackets: Many Partners, One team


Many Partners, One Team


For More Information Contact

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Louisville District, Email

Kentucky Silver Jackets

Kentucky’s Silver Jackets team has been active since 2009, focusing on developing collaborative solutions to reduce flood risk across the Commonwealth of Kentucky.  The Team’s main objectives  are to:

  • Share knowledge and information amongst the members of the group and their respective agencies
  • Leverage resources among the agencies represented
  • Serve as good stewards of the investments of our taxpayers
  • Serve the citizens of the Commonwealth of Kentucky

Team Activities

Kentucky Education for Dam Safety

Initiated in 2022, the Kentucky Silver Jackets is developing an educational outreach program to local officials and first responders, focusing on dam safety awareness and education. Topics will include inspections, best practices, USACE inundation maps, and the importance of Emergency Action Plans.

Kentucky Green Infrastructure & Open Space Analysis

Completed in 2022, this  interagency nonstructural flood risk manager effort used national land cover data, LIDAR, wetland inventories and other GIS data to identify statewide green infrastructure and open space areas for incorporation into Kentucky’s State Hazard Mitigation Plan.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers supports state-led Silver Jackets Teams through its Flood Risk Management Program.