Current Projects
Grand County, UT Emergency Action Planning Support
This project will help Grand County in Emergency Action Planning and to mitigate future flood risk. Through an Emergency Action Planning workshop, support in the development of an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) and subsequent Table Top Exercise (TTX), Grand County Floodplain Managers and County Officials will be better prepared to respond to flooding events and be better equipped to manage their flood risk.
Salt Lake City Emergency Action Planning Support
This project will help Salt Lake City improve communication, collaboration and integration among stakeholders and promote hazard mitigation as an integrated public policy through the creation of an Emergency Action Plan (EAP). This EAP will be tested in a Table Top Exercise, with a goal that Salt Lake City will be better prepared for a flood event after this project.
Mapleton, UT Emergency Action Planning Assistance
This project will provide Mapleton City with additional hydraulic analysis, develop interim risk reduction measures, develop an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) and subsequent Table Top Exercise (TTX), following the PL 84-99 Advanced Measures support SPK EM provided in Fall 2020.
Ephraim, UT Floodplain Management Planning
Ephraim City, Utah is located on an alluvial fan and is at risk of flooding for long durations due to snow melt and undersized drainage channels. Minor flooding events have occurred on several occasions in the last two decades, but major flooding events in the 1983/84 floods caused over $9 M estimated damages at that time. Utilizing floodplain mapping developed under a previous FPMS effort, this proposal will develop a Floodplain Management Plan (FMP) to help the City address their flood risk. In conjunction with the State of Utah, a coordinated list of mitigation opportunities will be developed and prioritized. The opportunities are expected to include structural and nonstructural options with parametric costs and qualitative benefits. Stakeholder groups for this study will help identify options for the City to execute these opportunities to reduce flood risk in the future.
Logan, UT Flood Resiliency and Strategic Engagement
This project will develop a Flood Resiliency and Strategic Engagement Plan that will provide nonstructural recommendations to reduce flood risk. The project will work with the partners and community members to develop a vision for the future floodplain management of Logan and develop an action plan to implement recommendations made with input from the community. Logan is specifically interested in determining options for introducing new zoning regulations and incentive programs that will reduce development in the floodplain. In addition, the City wants to investigate Engineering with Nature opportunities for improving the resiliency of the flood infrastructure and expanding the floodplain.
Recently Completed Projects:
Utah Flood Risk Workshops
The Utah Flood Risk Workshops project is a dynamic effort that has brought together new partnerships and increased flood risk awareness for Utah residents. Through workshops on flood risk management, emergency action planning, flood after fire, and slot canyon flooding all across Utah, the Utah Silver Jackets team has claimed its place on the map. Additionally, this project is creating public service announcements on slot canyon flash flooding and has developed slot canyon flash flooding outreach materials, including a laminated 11X17” poster to be posted throughout popular slot canyon tourist destinations.
Utah Alluvial Fan Flooding Mitigation Options
The Utah Alluvial Fan Flooding Mitigation Options project created a Community Guide for Flood Risk Reduction on Alluvial Fans, a comprehensive document aimed at supporting Utah residents who live or work on an alluvial fan. The core of the guide focuses on non-structural risk reduction measures, such as the development of a community Emergency Action Plan, active management of forested lands, and strategic land use planning, such as development of parks and open spaces on the most vulnerable areas of an alluvial fan. As an educational tool and a means to promote the guide, a video providing an overview of alluvial fan flooding and a link to the guide was created.
Lehi, Utah Floodplain Mapping
The City of Lehi is growing at a rapid rate and would like to better understand their flood risk to inform future development decisions. This project is developing floodplain maps that the City will use to inform zoning regulations for future development.
Grand County, UT Emergency Action Planning Support
This project will help Grand County in Emergency Action Planning and to mitigate future flood risk. Through an Emergency Action Planning workshop, support in the development of an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) and subsequent Table Top Exercise (TTX), Grand County Floodplain Managers and County Officials will be better prepared to respond to flooding events and be better equipped to manage their flood risk.
Salt Lake City Emergency Action Planning Support
This project will help Salt Lake City improve communication, collaboration and integration among stakeholders and promote hazard mitigation as an integrated public policy through the creation of an Emergency Action Plan (EAP). This EAP will be tested in a Table Top Exercise, with a goal that Salt Lake City will be better prepared for a flood event after this project.