Silver Jackets: Many Partners, One team


Many Partners, One Team


For More Information Contact

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Louisville District, Email, 502-315-6883

Indiana Silver Jackets


A partnership of volunteers, devoted to developing comprehensive and sustainable solutions, to all natural hazards and risks.


The Indiana Silver Jackets will play a key role in shaping the future of all natural hazard mitigation in Indiana through the collaboration and cooperation of our members. The Indiana Silver Jackets, recognizing that cooperation and collaboration is the key to innovative and effective solutions to meet a diversity of needs to make Indiana communities more resilient to hazards, will:

  • Strive to be “Government at its best,”
  • Enable the effective and efficient sharing of information,
  • Leverage existing programs and resources,
  • Educate and inform the managers, policy makers, and the public on hazard risk reduction,
  • Promote sustainable solutions to hazard mitigation,
  • Engage local governments through our members,
  • Provide improved service to our mutual customers, and
  • Promote wise stewardship of the taxpayers’ investment.

Team Activities

Recently Completed Activity

The Indiana Silver Jackets Team just completed work on the Indiana Stream Education Interagency Project.  This project was funded through the Interagency Non-Structural Floodplain Management Services program in FY 21.  The project consisted of an education and outreach campaign focusing on stream health and geomorphology, as well as best practices to reduce flood risk.  As part of the project and interactive ESRI Storymap was developed which the team will continue to refine and work with in the future.

Ongoing activities

Indiana Dam Education & Awareness (IDEA) Project

This effort consists of development of materials and 3 workshops to be held in late FY 22 focusing on general dam safety topics, best practices, federal & state programs and authorities, inundation maps, and the importance of Emergency Action Plans.  This effort was funded through the Interagency Non-Structural Floodplain Management Services program.

Indiana Building Footprint Analysis

This effort being funded through the Interagency Non-Structural Floodplain Management Services program, focuses developing a process for 3 pilot counties in Indiana to classify & verify building outline/classification data and identify hazard risks and risk to loss of life to improve mitigation & response planning efforts.

Indiana Wetland Education Program

Building upon the success of the Indiana Stream Education project, this project is developing an educational and outreach campaign featuring an interactive ESRI Storymap, social media materials, and some in person workshops to highlight the importance of wetlands and their link to reducing flood risk.

Other activities currently underway include building & expanding the State’s Mesonet of automated weather monitoring stations across the State; continuing efforts to identify, classify, and remove low head dams across the State to improve public safety and the ecosystem; and continuing efforts to expand outreach and provide information related to fluvial erosion hazards across the state.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers supports state-led Silver Jackets Teams through its Flood Risk Management Program.